
  1. 这个定义适用于任意一对算符。

    This definition will be used for any pair of operators .

  2. 对Δ算符运算规则的讨论及介绍一些有用的张量微分公式

    Discussion for operation rules of Δ operator and introduction some useful formulae for tensor differentiation

  3. 对动量算符的讨论

    A discussion on the momentum operators

  4. 本文从五个方面.用较通俗的语言对量子算符作了些解释.以望能对理解量子物理有所帮助。

    We give five explantations for quantum operators from diferent sides with popular language expecting to help one to comprehend them quicky .

  5. 文章对相位算符的通用形式作了必要的修正,并明确提出了两个压缩判据。

    The forms of phase operators which have been used are amended , and two criteria of squeezing are given in this paper .

  6. 本文介绍一种完全用量子力学中对易算符集方法处理的有限群表示论。

    This paper advocates a new approach to the theory of finite group representations by applying exclusively the method of commuting operators in quantum mechanics .

  7. 作者利用对自旋算符的量子线性变换理论,提供了一种考察自旋1/2态下量子逻辑门变换的一种有效方法,并给出了几个基本量子逻辑操作的变换表达式。

    In this paper , by using the linear quantum transformation theory to spin operator , we offer an effective method to study the quantum logic gates based on spin - 1 / 2 states . The forms of some basic quantum logic operations are also obtained .

  8. 由于耗散的存在,介观RLC并联电路中的磁通量和电荷不是一对线性厄米算符。

    Because of dissipation , the magnetic flux Φ ^ and charge q ^ of the mesoscopic RLC parallel circuit are not a pair of linear Hermitian operators .

  9. 对一个算符公式的修正

    On the correction to an operator formula

  10. 研究表明:相位退相干系数对原子反转算符时间演化的崩塌和回复效应、光场光子数分布振荡和反聚束效应有十分显著的影响。

    It is shown that the phase decoherence coefficient has notable influence on the collapses and revivals of the atomic inversion , the photon number distribution and photon antibunching .

  11. 讨论了相干光场与激发态二能级原子作用时失谐量对纯度和密度算符间距演化的影响。

    The influence of detuning on purity and distance are discussed .

  12. 非对易空间平移算符及其正交归一完备态集合

    Translation operator in noncommutative space and a set of complete states of orthogonality and normalization

  13. 对一个动量算符公式的质疑

    Query into momentum functor formula