- 网络off-diagonal element

The Collisions produces two effets on atoms : the atoms transition or the random shift δω( t ) of the levels , in thio paper , we prove that the δω( t ) leads to lifetime effects on the off-diagonal element ρ _ ( ab ) .
In this paper , several new properties of inverse H-matrices are given .
The polarons in an one-dimensional molecular chain was investigated taking into account the contribution of the nondiagonal elements in the lattice dynamical matrix to the phonon Hamiltonian , and a new polaron solution was obtained .
A Way of Calculating Nondiagonal Matrix Component Coefficient of Spin Orbital Operator
The non-opposite angle element of two-level atom 's reducible density rectangular array is obtained .
First , the interaction is damping interaction and potential energy . We deduce easily the coherent term of quantum dynamical model ( the off-diagonal of reduced density matrix ) by improving the nature of displace operator and the nature of coherent states .
This paper presents , in view of the diagonal dominance criterion of the matrix singular value based on the analysis of decomposing the return ratio matrix of multivariable systems into the diagonal and non-diagonal element matrix , a less conservative stability criterion of multivariable systems .
The derived formulas on gain and saturation effect , dispersion and frequency pulling of the laser material agree with the results obtained by the third order approximation of the non-diagonal element of density matrix in Lamb 's semi-classical theory and this method simplifies the mathematical processes .
Let Dn ( d ) be the set of all by n Boolean matrices with exactly d non-zero entries on the main diagonals , where 1 ≤ d ≤ n. The maximum value for the generalized indices of convergence of matrices in D. ( d ) is obtained .
The Generalized Maximum Density Index Sets of Primitive Matrices with d Nonzero Diagonal Entries
On the base set of primitive non-powerful sign pattern matrices with nonzero diagonal entries