
  • 网络Non durable consumer goods;FMCG
  1. 选取了运动鞋和牙膏分别作为耐用消费品和非耐用消费品的代表。

    We choose the running shoes and toothpaste .

  2. 美国人的耐用消费品支出超过第二季度,非耐用消费品和服务的支出也有所增长。

    Americans spent more on durable goods than in the second quarter , while spending on non-durables and services also rose .

  3. 非耐用消费品在中国具有广阔的市场空间,其行业在国民经济中起着重要作用。

    Nondurable Consumer Goods , or FMCG ( Fast Moving Consumer Goods ) has wide market space in the populous China . The industry plays an important role in the national economy .

  4. 根据上述原则,我们分析了以四类商品为代表的非耐用消费品广告的特征,根据其作用模式构建了两阶段测评概念模型。

    According to these principles , we analyze the characteristics of the advertising in the non-durable consumer goods category typified by four product types , and construct a two-staged evaluation model based on the function pattern of these advertising .

  5. 其次,把贸易产品划分为生产设备、中间投入品和消费品(耐用消费品和非耐用消费品),按产品用途的区别分析日中贸易的特征,并探讨两国在工程分工方面各自的优势。

    Secondly , trade goods are classified into 3 types such as " producer goods ", " capital goods " and " consumer goods ( durable-goods and non-durable-goods )" and discuss the each comparative advantage of the division of labor at processing level .