
  1. 也正是基于这两方面的问题,本文先立足于使用更为理想的实时信号提取方法&直接滤波方法(DFA),另外考虑对经济系统整体建立多维景气分析框架。

    It is also based on these two aspects of the problem , this paper first foothold in real-time signal extraction method using more desirable-direct filtering method ( DFA ), another to establish multidimensional boom analytical framework to consider the economic system as a whole .

  2. 基于经济景气分析数据仓库的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Data Warehouse Based on Economic Climate Analysis

  3. 河北省宏观经济景气分析与预警系统研究

    The Macro-economic Cycles Analysis and Warning System of Hebei Province

  4. 我国宏观经济的景气分析初探

    Initial Study of Business Cycle Analysis in Our Macro-economic

  5. 通过对房地产业预警预报系统的构建原则、指标体系、景气分析系统、系统的运行及系统的修正完善五方面来深入研究成都市房地产业预警预报系统的整体构建。

    From deep study on principle , system and method , it conceives a whole frame of the alarm and predict system in Chengdu .

  6. 本文介绍了开发研制河北省宏观经济景气分析与预警系统的全过程。

    This paper presents the whole process of developing the macro-economic cycles analysis and warning system of Hebei province , including theory of economic cycles analysis .

  7. 四川省宏观经济景气预警分析

    A Warning Analysis of Macro-economic Prospect in Sichuan Province

  8. 我国不同磷肥产品的横向动态景气度分析

    Analysis of Dynamic Prosperity on Phosphate Fertilizer in China

  9. 油气田企业经济景气调查分析方法初探

    Discussion on Economic Condition Investigation and Analysis Method in Oil & Gas Field Enterprises

  10. 用电市场景气状况分析方法的研究

    Research on Prosperity Analysis of Electricity Market

  11. 模糊回归参数估计方法及应用于景气对策信号分析

    The Estimative Method of Fuzzy Regression Parameter and Its Application to Signal Analysis of Satisfying Program to Prosperity

  12. 宏观经济景气及预警分析是根据经济运行中体现出来的统计规律,运用计算机技术对经济波动进行分析和监测预警的一套有效方法。

    The macroscopic economic prosperity and early warning analysis is a set of effective method which , with computer technology , analyzes , monitors and early warns the economic fluctuation according to the statistic law reflected in economic cycling .

  13. 由于它可以反映经济的运行是否处于资源充分利用的状态,所以生产能力利用率又是衡量经济景气程度以及分析经济运行效率的一个非常重要的指标。

    Because it can reflect the operation of the economy whether in the state of full utilization of resources or not , capacity utilization is also a very important indicator to measure the degree of economic development and the analysis of economic efficiency .

  14. 北京市企业景气波动的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis of the Fluctuation for the Enterprise Boom in Beijing

  15. 我国景气变动的原因分析

    Study on the Reason of Business Cycles in Our Economy

  16. 中国工业企业财务预期的性质&基于5000家大中型国有企业经济景气调查数据的分析

    The nature of expectations of financial indicators in industrial enterprises in China

  17. 关于新疆企业景气的数据挖掘分析

    Data Mining on Business Tendency of Enterprises in Xinjiang

  18. 新的景气研究的方法也不断地被提出并应用到实际经济运行的景气分析与预测中。

    New economic prosperity methods are constantly be proposed and applied to the actual economic to analysis and forecast the economy .

  19. 文章讨论了扩散指数和合成指数的编制方法,采用将景气指数与模拟预测相结合的方法,对广西宏观经济景气进行了分析。

    The paper discuss the spread and formate preparing method of index , adopt prosperous index with simulation predict want method that combine , So prosperous as to analyse to the macroeconomics of Guangxi .