
  • 网络ricardo model;THE RICARDIAN MODEL
  1. 扩展的李嘉图模型、H-O定理以及规模经济都能对垂直专业化的形成和发展提供理论基础。

    Expand ricardian model , H - O theorem and economies of scale can provide theoretical basis for the formation and development of vertical specialization .

  2. 借助这一分析框架及其技术手段,本文首先利用一个引入交易费用的西北大学经管学院博士学位论文李嘉图模型的超边际分析对我国的地方贸易保护问题进行研究。

    With this framework and its technological means , this essay first delves into the problem of regional trade protectionism within China with the infra-marginal analysis of the Ricardian Model where the transaction cost has been introduced .

  3. 贸易与工资差距变动的理论研究,已经形成了比较系统的理论体系,如李嘉图模型,SS定理,克鲁格曼贸易模型等,这些理论对我们深刻认识两岸贸易与两岸工资差距具有很大的参考价值。

    Theoretical studies of changes in trade and wage gap have already formed a relatively systematic theoretical system , such as Ricardo model , SS theorem , Krugman trade model , etc. These theories have great reference value to us to understand deeply the cross-strait trade and the wage gap .

  4. 李嘉图模型的一维特征,掩盖了比较优势的非对称性。

    The one-dimensional characteristics of Ricardo 's model covers up the non-symmetry of comparative advantage .

  5. 近年来我国比较优势动因多样性分析&基于新李嘉图模型的开发与应用

    An Analysis of the Hybrid Momentum for Comparative Advantage of China in Recent Years & Based on Applications and Development of Neo-Ricardian Model

  6. 通过修正后的李嘉图模型对城乡结合部地价测算,结果与在实际土地市场上拍卖价格基本相符。

    Besides , by speculating and calculating the land price of urban fringe with corrected Richard model , the results are basically in agreement with auction price in land market .

  7. 在李嘉图模型中,若将环境成本用追加的劳动投入来衡量,可以发现,环保技术及环境成本的引入,将修正传统的比较优势格局。

    In the amended Ricardo Model , the environmental factor is measured by the attached labor cost , and then I find that the introduction of environmental technology and environmental cost has corrected the traditional pattern of comparative advantage .

  8. 这一模型是以企业家努力和风险投资公司建议为微观起点,以李嘉图生产模型为基础而构建的二时期企业生命周期模型。

    This model begins with the entrepreneur diligence and the suggestion of venture capital companies , constructs two-period enterprise life cycle mode on the foundation of David Ricardo production model .