
  1. 原来,现在奥迪车主正是李启明女儿李艳红的男朋友鹤哥。

    The fact is that the car 's present owner He Ge is the boyfriend of the teacher 's daughter .

  2. 六天以后,中国中央电视台播放了一组不寻常的对李启明和其父亲的采访。

    Six days later , state broadcaster China Central Television aired an unusual pair of interviews with Li and his father .

  3. 艰难曲折的寻子过程中,这辆奥迪车不断地出现在李启明的面前。

    In the arduous process of searching for his son , the stolen Audi constantly appears in front of teacher Li .

  4. 事实上,李启明的儿子李学勤几年前已经死于一场奥迪劫车案。

    In fact , Li Xueqin , the son of teacher Li , died in a hijacking case of an Audi automobile .

  5. 肇事司机李启明则是保定市北市区公安局副局长李刚的儿子。

    The man accused of killing her , Li Qiming , is the son of Li Gang , the deputy police chief in the Beishi district of Baoding .