
  1. 一加一的行政助理金玲为自己拍摄照片。

    Jin Ling , an administrative assistant for One Plus One , takes a self-portrait .

  2. 金玲的入围作品之一拍摄的是一个信箱的内部。信箱太高,她看不见里面。

    One of Jin 's entries is a photograph of the inside of a mailbox , which was too high for her to see .

  3. 参加了此次培训的一加一行政助理金玲(音)说,她对信箱非常好奇,但信箱太高没法看到。

    One photographer , Jin Ling , an administrative assistant , said she was curious about the inside of a mailbox , which was too high for her to peer into .