
jī jiàn xiànɡ mù
  • capital construction project;capital project
  1. 再谈基建项目档案质量的控制

    How to Control the Archives Quality of Capital Construction Project

  2. 浅谈基建项目竣工结算审计

    A Brief Talk on Audit of Completion Settlement of Capital Construction Project

  3. 基于Web的油田基建项目文档管理系统的开发

    The Development of File Management System for Base Construction Project in Oil Field Based on Web

  4. 基于ERP的电网基建项目管理系统设计与开发

    ERP-based for the Design & Development of Electricity Grid Construction Project Management System

  5. 在中国,地方政府用基建项目拉动国内生产总值(GDP),经常会依靠向房地产商卖地的方式融资,房地产业也因此成为中国经济增长的主要推动因素。

    China 's real estate sector is a major driving force for economic growth , as local governments who fund the infrastructure projects that boost GDP often rely on land sales to property developers for financing .

  6. 美洲开发银行(Inter-AmericanDevelopmentBank,IDB)行长路易斯阿尔伯托莫雷诺(LuisAlbertoMoreno)估计,中国为拉美基建项目提供了320亿美元贷款,其中多数资金来自于国开行。

    Luis Alberto Moreno , president of the Inter-American Development Bank ( IDB ) estimates that the Chinese have provided $ 32bn for infrastructure projects in Latin America with most of that money from CDB .

  7. 不过,高盛(GoldmanSachs)表示,自7月份以来政策悄悄放松了,官方悄悄加快了对新基建项目的投资,尤其是在西部和中部地区,以求遏止经济放缓势头。

    Yet Goldman Sachs said that there has been a a stealth policy loosening since July as the authorities sought to arrest the slowdown by quietly accelerating investment in new infrastructure projects , especially in western and central regions .

  8. 它以亚洲基建项目估计存在8万亿美元资金缺口为例,强调需要额外的资金来源,而不仅仅是依靠世行、IMF、亚行等现有多边组织。

    It cites estimates of an $ 8tn shortfall in funding for Asian infrastructure projects to emphasise the need for extra sources of funding beyond what can be provided by the World Bank , IMF , ADB and other existing multilateral organisations .

  9. 基建项目融资公司IDFC旗下私募部门的高管表示,他们有许多公司为公路局及其他政府机构承建工程后,相关款项遭到了无限期的拖延。

    Executives at the private equity arm of IDFC , an infrastructure funding firm , say they have many companies facing endless delays in getting paid for work they have done for the highways authority and other government agencies .

  10. 水利工程基建项目投标标书的编制技巧

    Drawing - up technique for documents of water conservancy project tender

  11. 基建项目与投资区域筛选的优化方法

    The Optimal Method for the Screening of Projects and Investment Regions

  12. 水利基建项目施工招投标中评标定标办法浅探

    Bid evaluation and decision method in bid invitation of water-conservancy project

  13. 香港迪士尼基建项目信息化规划和实践

    Informatization Planning and Implementation of Hong Kong Disneyland Infrastructure Construction Project

  14. 这些投资中有相当大一部分流向基建项目。

    Much of this investment has gone into infrastructure projects .

  15. 基于风险管理的基建项目管理理论的构建

    Establishment of Construction Project Management Theory Based on Risk Management

  16. 火电厂基建项目施工标段划分方法的探讨

    Inquisition into Construction Bidding Section Division of Thermal Power Plant Capital Project

  17. 建设项目中的国有资金是基建项目中重要的组成部分之一。

    State-owned capital is an indispensable part of capital constructions .

  18. 此外,中国还向港口、铁路和其它基建项目提供了融资支持。

    It has also financed ports , railways and other infrastructure projects .

  19. 建筑和基建项目一直是需求的主要源头。

    Construction and infrastructure projects have been the main sources of demand .

  20. 公用事业基建项目的最小投资成本分析

    Least cost Analysis of Infrastructure Expansion in Public Utilities

  21. 林业森工行业基建项目经济评价基准参数确定的研究

    Study of calculation of forestry and forest industry construction items'standard economic evaluation indexes

  22. 浅谈水利基建项目的内部审计

    A Discussion on the Internal Audit of Capital Construction Projects of Water Conservancies

  23. 浅议基建项目物资招标采购

    On the goods purchasing by the way of bidding in capital construction project

  24. 有些国有银行在陷入困境的基建项目上的敞口大得危险。

    Some public sector banks have dangerously large exposures to struggling infrastructure projects .

  25. 水利基建项目拖欠工程款的原因及对策

    Reasons and countermeasures for payment in arrears of water conservancy capital construction projects

  26. 高校基建项目投资控制浅析

    The investment control of capital construction in universities

  27. 基建项目在设计阶段的投资控制

    Investment control in design stage of construction project

  28. 这在一定程度上反映出,耗资速度缓慢的基建项目在该计划中占比较大。

    That partly reflected the large role of infrastructure and its slow spend-out rate .

  29. 论高校基建项目的投资决策及全过程造价控制

    On the Investment Decision-making and Whole-process Cost Control of Infrastructure Construction Projects of Universities

  30. 医学院校附属医院基建项目投资管理初探

    Discussion about Investment Management of Infrastructure Construction Project for Affiliated Hospital of Medical Institution