
  • 网络Basic Characters;alphanum characters
  1. 基于CellMatrix结构,本文首先在晶格结构上设计基本字符比较单元,而后在此基础上逐层构建更高层次的子序列测试单元和单条序列处理架构,从而实现了基于模式驱动的模体发现算法。

    This paper implements the pattern-driven motif finding algorithm on Cell Matrix by firstly designing the basic comparing unit and then hierarchically constructing the higher subsequence test unit and the architecture for processing one entire sequence .

  2. 对藏文基本字符用投影法:垂直、水平、两对角线四个方向五个子特征进行研究,并给出了特征抽取、模式匹配、字符分类的算法。

    This paper presents the discussion on the principle of statistical feature extraction , and a method of statistical feature extraction using artificial neural network .

  3. 基本字符的创制过程,可以分作两个环节,一是取象,二是符号化。

    The creation of basic characters can be divided into two steps : first , to abstract an image , and second , to symbolize that image .

  4. 另外,圣书字基本字符写实性的符号化方式也使得字符清晰可辨,不易随意改造和更换。

    Besides , the realistic symbolization of basic characters in the Egyptian writing makes each character more distinguishable and recognizable , and less likely to be changed or reformed ; 2 .

  5. 介绍了蒙古语学习软件的设计思想,给出了书写软件的实现方法,以及基本字符与变形显现形式之间的对应关系。

    The design and architecture of a Mongolian learning software are introduced . The implementation of the writing of the software and the mapping method between basic characters and presentation are presented .

  6. 一个字节应该至少具有足够表示运行时基本字符集的任意成员的大小,并且由实现定义个数的连续位构成。

    A byte is at least large enough to contain any member of the basic execution character set and is composed of a contiguous sequence of bits , the number of which is implementation-defined .

  7. 两种文字基本字符引申式表意都通过范畴化、转喻和隐喻等基本方式来实现,然而引申方向又存在差异,表现出不同的心理内容。

    The method of extension of both writing systems is realized by the means of categorization , metonymy and metaphor . However , there are some differences in the direction of extension , revealing different psychological content .

  8. 再通过特征提取,得到端点、欧拉数等有效的特征信息,并辅以基本字符知识库进行判定,识别出这些基本组成字符。

    Secondly , through the feature extraction , this system will get the endpoint , the Euler number and other useful characteristics information and then will determine and recognize these basic characters by their basic character repository .

  9. 而同时,因为两个民族生活在不同的自然环境中,创造了不一样的物质文化和精神文化,所以两种文字基本字符的取象又存在明显的地域差异和社会文化差异。

    Meanwhile , because the two nations living in different natural environments have created different material and spiritual culture , the images they abstracted reflect obvious regional and cultural differences . Besides , there is also a big difference in the symbolization of basic characters .

  10. 基本C字符类型是1字节数据类型,没有一位编程人员想到过要改变它。

    The basic C character type is a1-byte data type , and no programmer dreams of changing it .

  11. 这个编辑器有丰富的功能,但是它又独立于任何基本宽度字符或者Unicode支持的系统层。

    The editor is feature-rich , but it is fairly independent of any underlying wide-character or Unicode-enabled system layer .

  12. 它提供了基本的绘制字符的功能,并且对呈现所做的假设很少。

    It provides basic character-drawing functions and makes few assumptions about rendering .

  13. 本文首先分析了汉字识别方法的基本特点以及字符集成识别技术中存在的问题,然后结合认知科学的研究成果,提出了手写体汉字层次集成识别的思想。

    In this paper , the peculiarity of method in Chinese character recognition and the problem unsolved in characters integrating recognition are analyzed , and the anthor presents a method of handwritten Chinese character integrating recognition with the investigating result of perceive science .

  14. 在FoxPro数据库系统中,len()函数的基本功能是测量字符串的长度,&函数的基本功能是替换字符型内存变量的值;

    In the FoxPro data stock system , the essential utility of function Len () is to measure the length of character string and the utility of function & is to substitute for the value of character-typed internal storage variables .