
jī běn quán lì
  • fundamental right;basic right
  1. 居住权是人类的基本权利和需要。

    Residence right is a basic right and need of mankind .

  2. 居住权是公民的基本权利。

    The right of residence is the basic right of citizens .

  3. 他们遭到监禁并被剥夺了基本权利。

    They were imprisoned and deprived of their basic rights .

  4. 接受教育是每个孩子的基本权利。

    Education is every child 's birthright .

  5. 本文主要目的是对《SPS协定》中成员方的基本权利义务进行分析。

    The main purpose of this article is to analyze the basic rights and obligations of the members under the SPS Agreement .

  6. 抗辩权(Einrede)是德国民法典中规定的一项基本权利,德国学者在六、七十年代对抗辩权的概念进行过激烈的争论。

    Objection ( Einrede ) is one of the fundamental conceptions in the Civil Code of Germany ( BGB ), on which the germane scholars intensively discussed in the sixties and seventies .

  7. 社会保险不仅关系到公民的基本权利,更关系到公民的切身利益。

    Social insurance is related to the fundamental rights of citizens .

  8. 其二,形成基本权利之内容。

    Secondly , it forms the contents of the basic rights .

  9. 摘要健康是人类的基本权利。

    Health is a human right and needs to be protected .

  10. 生命权是人最基本权利。

    Life right is the fundamental right of most people .

  11. 选举权是公民的一项基本权利。

    The right to vote is a base civil right .

  12. 论老年人基本权利之宪法保障

    On the Constitutional Protection of the Rights of the Aged

  13. 社会成员平等的基本权利是否具备;

    Second , if social members have their basic rights of equality ;

  14. 第四,进一步扩大和保障公民的基本权利。

    Fourth , to further extend and secure the basic civil rights .

  15. 知情权应是一国公民的基本权利之一。

    The right of know is a basic right of a citizen .

  16. 论我国纳税人基本权利体系的构建

    On the Construction of Basic Right System of Tax-payers in Our Country

  17. 保障农民的基本权利是建构和谐社会的关键

    Protecting Basic Rights of Farmers is the Key to Build Harmonious Society

  18. 决定谁的最基本权利受到了侵害。

    Determine if anyone 's basic rights have been violated .

  19. 这两个国家均把医疗奉为一项基本权利。

    Both countries enshrine health care as a fundamental right .

  20. 人格尊严权是宪法保护的公民基本权利之一,不能把人格尊严看作是生命权的内容。

    The right of dignity is not the content of right of life .

  21. 隐私权作为公民的一项基本权利,理应受到法律的保护。

    Privacy as a fundamental right of citizens should be protected by law .

  22. 司法救济是保障公民基本权利的最终途径,宪法的法律属性决定了它的直接法律效力。

    Judicial remedy is the last resort in safeguarding citizen 's basic rights .

  23. 第二章公民的基本权利和义务

    Chapter II The Fundamental Rights and Duties of Citizens

  24. 物质性人格权是劳动者享有的一项基本权利。

    The substantial right of personality is a basic right to the laborers .

  25. 论我国公民基本权利的诉讼救济

    On Relief of Action to the Basic Rights of the Citizen in China

  26. 它以公民人身自由、住所及通讯秘密不受侵犯的基本权利的行使为合法性基础。

    The search is based legally on the exertion of the fundamental rights .

  27. 但监听措施是以侵犯公民基本权利为代价。

    But using wiretap is at price of infringing the citizens basic right .

  28. 法院认为旅行限制侵犯了居民的基本权利。

    The court found that travel restrictions violate the fundamental rights of residents .

  29. 适当的住房,是人类生存和发展所不可缺少的重要物质条件,因此,以人人享有适当的住房为内容的住宅权是公民的一项基本权利。

    The right to adequate housing is a kind of citizen 's basic right .

  30. 将诉讼权作为公民基本权利;

    To regard the right to sue as one of basic rights of citizens ;