
fǎ lǜ quán wēi
  • Legal authority;authority of law
  1. 法律权威与中国检察权的宪法复归

    On the Authority of Law and Constitutional Reversion of Chinese Procuratorial Power

  2. 法治与法律权威

    On the Rule and Authority of Law

  3. 向人类提醒这样一件事总难嫌其太频吧,从前有过一个名叫苏格拉底(Socrates)的人,在他和他那时候的法律权威以及公众意见之间曾发生了令人难忘的冲突。

    Mankind can hardly be too often reminded , that there was once a man named Socrates , between whom and the legal authorities and public opinion of his time , there took place a memorable collision .

  4. 市场经济与法律权威的重塑

    On the Market Economy And the Reestablishment of the Legal Authority

  5. 基于村民自治的乡村权威与法律权威博弈研究

    The Game Research on Village Authority and Legal Authority in Villagers'Self-Government

  6. 这些著作涉及一个中心议题,即法律权威问题。

    These works all touch on one subject that is legal authority .

  7. 树立法律权威是法制社会的必然要求

    Establishing Legal Authority is the Necessity of Legal System Society

  8. 其二,法律权威感在乡土社会丧失。

    Secondly , it lacks the authoritative sense to law in rural communities .

  9. 构建和谐社会必须树立法律权威

    Establishing the Authority of Laws is a Prerequisite of Constructing a Harmonious Society

  10. 伯克斯教授于2004年计划修订《牛津法律权威引注标准》。

    Professor Birks planned a revision of OSCOLA in2004 ;

  11. 30.维护宪法法律权威。

    30 . Uphold the Constitution and laws .

  12. 经由法律权威正式核准和授予的。

    Formally approved and invested with legal authority .

  13. 树立社会主义法律权威是列宁法律思想中贯穿始终的一根主线。

    A main thread of building socialist law authority runs though Lenin 's legal system .

  14. 关于树立法律权威的几点思考

    Thoughts on establishing the authority of laws

  15. 中国社会转型期法律权威性的来源

    The Resource of the Authority of Law at the Stage of Social Transformation in China

  16. 党的权威与法律权威论析

    On the Authority of Party and Law

  17. 法律权威及其在中国之命运

    Law authority and its fate in China

  18. 媒体专业主义的困境与社会秩序的维护&凯利事件背后的媒体权威与法律权威

    The Dilemma of Media Professionalism and Maintenance of Social Order : Media Authority and Legal Authority

  19. 法律权威论

    On Authority of Law

  20. 传统中国的权威体系是一个行政权威为主导,法律权威屈从于行政权威的系统。

    The traditional Chinese authority system is dominated by administrative authority and legal authority is subordinate to it .

  21. 面对法律权威、法律信仰尚待确立的中国法治现状,认真对待概念法学是法律学人较为理想的选择。

    Taking concept law seriously is a good way for current lawyers when China still lacks the legal authority .

  22. 这些不良现象对法律权威构成威胁和破坏,影响社会法治环境,严重制约法治进程。程序法运行障碍重重有其一般性、共同性原因。

    These phenomena threaten and breach the authority of law , hence seriously impede the construction of legal state .

  23. 第二,中国人对法律权威的支持是基于程序正义的还是分配正义的?

    The second is whether the Chinese support on legal authority is based on procedure justice or distribution justice .

  24. 现代社会中的司法承载着树立法律权威、实现社会正义这一神圣使命,而只有具有公信力的司法才能很好地完成这一使命。

    Judicature is burdened the mission of establishing the authority of law and realizing the social justice in modern society .

  25. “法律权威”这一称谓表明法律高于权力,法律优越于其他社会调控方式。

    The term " authority of law " means that law is superior to power and other methods of regulation .

  26. 现代社会应当是法治社会,法治社会需要法律权威。

    A modern society should be a society implementing the rule of law , which in need of legal authority .

  27. 列宁法律权威观构成其依法治国理论的核心内容。

    Lenin 's concept of legal authority is the central content of the theory of ruling the country by law .

  28. 树立法律权威是任何国家建立法治社会必备的基本要求。

    Setting up the legal authority is the necessary basic requirement for any states establishing a society of legal system .

  29. 第四章法律权威与道德自治,论述了权威命题对政治问题的回应。

    Chapter Four , Legal Authority and Moral Autonomy , discusses the response of the Authority Thesis to political problems .

  30. 中国社会传统的权威观念导致了对法律权威的虚化。

    The traditional concept of authority in China has resulted in a weakening of attitude of the people toward law authority .