
  • 网络Higher education in France;Universities and colleges in France
  1. 法国高等教育落后于美国、英国、澳大利亚等世界主要通用跨国教育供给国,而隶属法国政府的智库FranceStratégie最近发布的一份报告强调了采取一条新路径的“迫切”需要。

    French higher education lags behind the world 's main providers of general transnational education - the US , UK and Australia - and a recent report by government-affiliated think-tank France Strat é gie , highlighted an " urgent " need for a new approach .

  2. 法国高等教育评估制度介评

    Presentation and appraisal of evaluation system of higher education in France

  3. 解析法国高等教育改革趋向&综合大学迈向自治

    Analysis on French Higher Education Reform Trend : University towards " Autonomy "

  4. 博洛尼亚进程中的法国高等教育改革研究

    Research on French Higher Education Reform in Bologna Process

  5. 法国高等教育文凭与学位制度改革

    Reform on Higher Education Diploma and Degree in France

  6. 建立新大学:法国高等教育改革的逻辑

    Establish " New Universities ": The Logic of the Recent Higher Education Reform in France

  7. 文章通过对法国高等教育本科阶段的学科专业调整现状的分析,从中归纳出其特点,同时对新形势下法国高校学科专业调整的原因进行了分析。

    This article discusses the speciality adjustment of the higher special education colleges is a strategy of which carries out thriving the nation with science and education .

  8. 基于教学和研究的社会和环境关切,南特以3个法国高等教育支持者之一的身份出现在超越灰色地带世界排名中。

    Audencia is among the3 French higher education providers to appear in Beyond Grey Pinstripes'world ranking based on the presence of social and environmental concerns in teaching and research .

  9. 从高等教育国际化四个主要要素即教育观念的国际化、文凭及学制的改革、强化语言教学及学生的国际交流可较为全面地考察法国高等教育国际化策略实施情况。

    The internationalized education perceptions , reforms on the diplomas and education system , enhanced language teaching and students international exchanging will help us get to know the actions of the internationalization of french higher Education .

  10. 近年来在欧盟市场一体化和竞争日益激烈的国际教育市场两大动因的驱使下,法国高等教育开始迈出了其国际化进程。

    In the recent years , the French government has actively started the process of the higher education internationalization because of the impetus of the unification of the EU markets and the severe competition of the international education market .

  11. 法国高等医学教育

    Higher Medical Education in France

  12. 第三章分析了美国、英国、日本、法国的高等教育宏观决策体制与过程。

    The third chapter analyzes the system and the process of U.S. , U.K. , Japan and France .

  13. 本文介绍了法国现行高等教育学制及近期的文凭和学位制度改革,说明其改革背景。

    This paper introduces the present higher education system and the recent reform on diploma and degree in France with elaborate illustration of its background .

  14. 这是一场最初由学生发起,对法国整个高等教育制度形成冲击,并引起社会各阶层参与的大规模运动。

    The movement was started by the students , participated by all classes of French society , and it shook French higher education institution greatly .

  15. 美国、英国、法国等高等教育发达的国家成为主要的学生流入国,而中国和印度等国则是全球主要的学生流出国。

    Higher education developed countries such as United States of American , United Kingdom and France are major host countries , China and India are major countries of origin of foreign students .

  16. 法国当代高等艺术教育学制与学位研究

    On the System of the Contemporary Art Education in French Universities

  17. 法国农业工程高等教育研究

    Study on Programme and Contents of Discipline of Agricultural Engineering in the Higher Education of France

  18. 法国大革命时期高等教育的变革

    French educational reforms during the revolution

  19. 关于种族的思考:影响法国和美国高等教育的提携政策

    Reflections on Race : Affirmative Action Policies Influencing Higher Education in France and the United States

  20. 法国的高等医学教育规范严谨,并有其独特的运行体制和培养模式。

    Higher medical education in France conforms to the standard and has its unique movement system and training pattern .

  21. 世纪之交,法国政府关于高等教育改革的报告中,第一次明确提出了对较为封闭的大学校的改革。

    At the joint point of two centuries , it 's the first time to point out the reform on grand school that is relatively close in the report on higher education reform given by French government .