
fǎ xué huì
  • law society;jurisprudence society
  1. 中国法学会成立以后,上海市法学会成为其团体会员,在业务上开始接受中国法学会的指导。

    After the founding of CHINA LAW SOCIETY , SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY became one of its members .

  2. 2001年,湖北武汉,中国法学会宪法学研究会年会暨学术研讨会。

    Attended the annual meeting and academic seminar of institution of constitutional law under China Law society , 2001 , wuhan , hubei .

  3. 构建和谐社会加强经济和社会统筹法制建设&湖北省法学会经济法研究会2005年年会综述

    Constructing Harmonious Society , Enhancing the Study of Economic Jurisprudence

  4. 完善诉讼程序推进司法体制改革&中国法学会诉讼法学研究会2003年年会综述

    Perfecting the procedures of lawsuit and pushing on the reform of judicial system

  5. 国际合作交流中心系中国行为法学会下属分支机构。

    The International Cooperation and Communication Center is an affiliated branch of the China Behavior Law Association .

  6. 起初,上海市法学会积极开展学术活动,发展对外交流,对上海法学乃至全国法学发展都起到积极作用。

    At first , its actions focused on academic activities and foreign exchanges . They exerted positive effects on Law Of China and Shanghai .

  7. 美国法学会1962年通过的《模范刑法典》在美国刑法法典化的历史中发挥了最重要的作用。

    Model Penal Code , edited by American Law Institute in 1962 has been playing a leading role in codification of American criminal law .

  8. 现为中国法学会、中国版权研究会会员、中国高等学校知识产权研究会常务理事。

    Now he is a managing director of Chinese College Intellectual Property Study Orgnizaton , the member of Chinese Legal Orgnization and the Copyright Study Orgnization of China .

  9. 2003年5月美国法学会和统一州法全国委员会通过了美国《统一商法典》买卖篇(第二篇)修正案。

    In May 2003 , American Law Institute and National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws pass the revised draft of business part of Uniform Commercial Code .

  10. 《跨国民事诉讼规则》(下称《规则》)乃美国法学会发起起草,后成为国际统一私法学会支持的一个项目,2004年出台了该规则的最新草案。

    Rules of Transnational Civil Procedure ( the " Rules ") was first prepared by American Law Institute , later it became one of the important projects of UNIDROIT .

  11. 中国婚姻法学研究会

    China 's Marriage Law Society

  12. 浙江省旅游法学研究会成立大会暨旅游法热点问题研讨会综述

    A Summary of Constitution Congress of Zhejiang Provincial Tourism Law Research Society and Seminar of Hot Issues of Tourism Law

  13. 拉比(犹太教教师或法学导师)会怎么说?

    What 's the rabbi going to say ?

  14. 2001年11月,中国法学会商法学研究会正式成立。

    In November , 2001 , the Chinese commercial legal science research board had been established officially .

  15. 商事主体的多元化&中国法学会商法学研究会2006年年会综述

    Diversification of Commercial Subject : Summary of 2006 Annual Seminar of Commercial Law Research Society of China Law Society

  16. 资本运营的商事法律保障:中国法学会商法学研究会2003年年会综述

    Commercial Law in Safeguarding the Operation of Capitals : Summary of 2003 Annual Meeting of Commercial Jurisprudence Research Society of Chinese Law Society

  17. 2009年9月,由四川省社会科学院承办的中国法学会商法学研究会2009年会在成都召开。

    The annual meeting of Commercial Law Society of China Law Society hosted by Sichuan Academy of Social Science was held in Chengdu in September 2009 .

  18. 反之,如果其他法学研究方法脱离了规范分析方法就会失去其所服务的中心,法学也会因此而失去独立性。

    On the other hand , without the normative analytical method , jurisprudence will lose its method character and its independence .