
xínɡ zhènɡ zhí dǎo
  • administrative guidance;administrative guide
  1. 转型期我国政府行政指导研究

    Study on China 's Administrative Guidance System during the Transitional Period

  2. 行政指导是现代国家一种非强制性的新型行政管理方式。

    Administrative guidance is a non-compulsory and innovative administration management system .

  3. 加入WTO与创新政府行政指导

    The Entry into WTO and the Innovation of Governmental Administration Instruction

  4. 行政指导应属于非强制性行政行为。

    The administrative instruction should belong to the non-compulsory administrative action .

  5. 试论我国行政指导程序的规范和完善

    On the Norm and Improvement of Administrative Guide Procedure of China

  6. 析档案行政指导在私人档案管理中的运用

    The Use of Administrative Guidance of Archives in Managing Private Records

  7. 面对这种情况,行政指导应运而生。

    Faced with this situation , administrative guidance came into being .

  8. 行政指导实务中存在的问题及解决途径探讨

    Administrative Guidance Practice to Solve Problems and Explore Ways to

  9. 我国行政指导程序的缺陷与完善

    The Defects and Perfection of the Procedure of Administrative Guidance in China

  10. 论中国行政指导制度建设

    On the Construction of China ′ s Administrative Guidance System

  11. 第一部分:分析行政指导产生的背景。

    The first section : Analysis of background of the administrative instruction .

  12. 信赖保护原则在行政指导中的适用

    Application of the Principle of Reliance Protection in Administrative Mis-guidance

  13. 绿色壁垒与环境行政指导制度研究

    The Study on Green Barrier and Environmental Administrative Guidance Institution

  14. 入世背景下的行政指导制度&美日胶卷案引发之思考

    The Administrative Guidance in the Context of Entry into WTO

  15. 所以,行政指导的诉讼救济尚处于一个探索的阶段。

    So , administrative guidance litigation is still in a exploring phase .

  16. 我国缺少行政指导方面的法律法规,关于价格调控中的行政指导更是只有零星的规范。

    The laws of administrative guidance on the price regulation are rare .

  17. 中国行政指导的实践及存在问题。

    Third , the practice of administrative guidance in China and problems ;

  18. 中国行政指导的实践及其问题研究

    A Study of the Practice and Problems of China 's Administrative Guidance

  19. 论现代治安行政指导功能

    On the Function of Contemporary Administrative Guidance of Public Order

  20. 金融危机语境下反思行政指导的地位及其改进

    Reflections upon Improvement of Administrative Guidance under the Financial Crisis

  21. 第四章分析的是行政指导的行为构成。行政指导的主体是行政主体。

    Chapter 4 is on the constitutions of behavior of administrative guidance .

  22. 行政指导信息披露法律问题与对策

    The Legal Problem and Countermeasures of Administrative Instruction Information Disclosure

  23. 试论健全和完善我国的行政指导制度

    Improvement and Perfection of the Administrative Guidance System in China

  24. 行政指导救济的合法性基础

    On the jurisprudence foundation of relief under administrative guidance

  25. 市场经济条件下健全我国行政指导制度的路径选择

    The Way Perfecting Administrative Instruction System in our Country under Market Economy Condition

  26. 第一章提出了行政指导的定义。

    Chapter 1 givs the definition of administrative guidance .

  27. 我国行政指导的定性及其救济

    The nature of the administrative instructions of our country and its legal aids

  28. 浅谈行政指导行为的性质及转化

    The Nature of the Administrative Guidance Act and Transformation

  29. 第五,构建行政指导的程序约束机制。

    Fifth , an administrative guidance procedures restraint mechanisms .

  30. 行政指导的动机有多样性,但是目的是单一的。

    Motive is various while the purpose is single .