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  1. 意识的其他行态都退至促进和影响的地位。

    The other states of consciousness receded to the position of urges and influences .

  2. 鲍照文中意象表现出来的悲美源于他知与行、进与退的矛盾。

    The beauty of the sadness in Bao 's poems is from his contradiction of knowing and acting , the developing and retreating .

  3. 后来艾伦说,哈姆雷特至少有一句话让他喜欢,这令图灵先生感到了一丝欣慰,直到艾伦做出解释,说这句话是最后一行,「众人退下」。

    For a brief moment he pleased his father by saying that at least there was one line he liked . The pleasure was dissipated when Alan explained it was the last line : ' Exeunt , bearing off the bodies ....