
hánɡ shì dǎ yìn jī
  • line printer
  1. 本文在分析行式打印机的构造及其工作原理的基础上,介绍了行式打印机彩色图形打印程序的设计思想及其用C语言的实现方法。

    On the basis of the analysis of a line printer structure and its work principle , this paper presents the ideas of designing the color graphics printout program on a line printer and the method to implement it with language C.

  2. 通常行式打印机或终端产生的打印拷贝。

    The printed copy generated by a line printer or terminal .

  3. 过期通知单往往在行式打印机上制作。

    Overdue notices are usually produced on a line-printer .

  4. 运用行式打印机输出焊缝X射线探伤返修片的方法,研究了最佳打印控制参数。

    Using the output on line-printer for X-ray weld inspection films , the optimal parameter of printing control is investigated .

  5. 对μ&80行式打印机的软改造

    A " Soft " Reform for μ - 80 Line Printer

  6. 行式打印机彩色图形打印程序设计实践

    Practice for program design of color graphics printout on a line printer

  7. 行式打印机电磁铁部件工作的分析

    An analysis of the operation of the electromagnetic parts in a line printer

  8. 内置的热敏行式打印机增强了系统的功能,更方便产科临床应用。

    The internal thermal line printer makes the system applicable to clinical obstetrics .

  9. GB/T9312-1988行式打印机通用技术条件

    General specification of line printer

  10. 系统由一台单板机,A/B接口,电平换转,行式打印机组成。

    The system consists of a computer-on-slice , an A / D interface , level control and a line printer .

  11. 受针式打印机和行式打印机工作原理的启发,开发出了能够采集岩心表面和剖面图像的采集仪。

    Enlightened by the working principles of stylus and line printers , an acquisition unit is developed for collecting surface and profile core images .

  12. 行式或字符式打印机在其上打印输出数据的打印纸。

    The paper on which output data is printed by a line printer or character printer .