
  1. Nibiru和其它行星撞地球的故事是一个网上的骗局。

    Nibiru and other stories about waywardplanets are an Internet hoax .

  2. 行星撞地球这种事每隔一亿年左右才会发生一次。

    They hit the Earth roughly every hundred million years or so .

  3. 全球有大量的公司在迎合着人们对于地堡日益增长的需求。这种建筑能保护人们度过任何危险,无论是全球性传染病、行星撞地球还是第三次世界大战。与此同时,它还能够给人以奢华舒适的体验。

    A number of companies around the world are meeting a growing demand for structures that protect from any risk , whether it 's a global pandemic , an asteroid , or World War III -- while also delivering luxurious amenities .

  4. 据报道,这颗行星将会撞向地球。

    W : It 's reported that the planet will run into the earth .

  5. 其他的版本还有名为Nibiru的行星撞向我们或者地球磁场翻转等灾难。

    In other variations , a planet named Nibiru crashes into us or the Earth 's magnetic field flips .