
  1. 必要时,行政立法主体还应解释和说明为何如此行使自由裁量权。

    When necessary , the subject of administrative legislation should also explain the reason for such exercise of discretion .

  2. 行政立法正式听证与非正式听证的实质性区别在于行政立法主体受听证笔录拘束的程度。

    The substantive difference between formal hearing and informal hearing for the administrative legislation lies in the degree by which the administrative legislator is bound by the records of hearing .

  3. 本文从行政法学角度重构了行政成本的概念,认为行政成本应是行政法主体成本,由行政立法成本、行政主体成本、行政相对方成本和监督行政成本四方面构成。

    In the article , the concept of administrative cost is reconstructed on the basis of the science of administrative law . The author thinks administrative cost should be the cost of administrative law subject . It consists of cost of administrative legislation ;