
  1. (九)绝卫生行政部门监督检查的。

    Refuse the supervision and inspection of the public health authority .

  2. 因此,对如何完善行政许可监督检查制度有必要进行研究和探讨,使行政许可能够实施得更加有理、有力、有序、有效。

    Therefore , it is necessary for researches and discussions on the improvement of supervision & inspection systems for administrative permission to insure they run in a more orderly , effective and efficient way .

  3. 卫生行政部门实施监督检查,不得收取费用,不得接受用人单位的财物或者其他利益。

    The administrative departments for public health shall conduct the supervision and inspection at no charge , and shall not accept property or other benefits from the employing units .

  4. 提出一体化农药管理模式,即以各级农业部门为主体,协调管理农药登记、生产、经营、使用(残留监控)等各个环节的行政许可、监督检查、行政处罚等各项管理工作。

    The all levels of agricultural department as main body of integrative pesticide management were brought forward in this study to assort with administration permission , surveillance & inspection , punishment of administration infringement .

  5. 第六十七条县级以上人民政府土地行政主管部门履行监督检查职责时,有权采取下列措施:

    Article 67 In performing their supervising and examination duties , the land administrative departments of the people 's governments at and above the county level have the right to adopt the following measures :

  6. 为了维护公益,应加强对行政机关的监督和检查。

    In order to safeguard public interest , supervision and inspection of the administrative organs should be strengthened .

  7. 工商行政管理机关在监督检查商业贿赂行为时,可以对行贿行为和受贿行为一并予以调查处理。

    The administrative departments for Industry and Commerce may , when supervising and inspecting commercial bribery , investigate and handle briberies and corruptions as a whole .

  8. 第十六条广告经营者必须按照国家规定设置广告会计帐簿,依法纳税,并接受财政、审计、工商行政管理部门的监督检查。

    Article 16 . Advertising operators must , according to the relevant prescriptions of the State , set up bookkeeping records , pay taxes according to law and subject themselves to the control and inspection by the administrative departments respectively in charge of finance , auditing and industry and commerce .

  9. 水行政执法领域包括水行政监督检查中的不作为、查处水事违法案件中的不作为、水行政许可审批中的不作为、水利规费征收中的不作为和水行政强制中的不作为。

    Water areas including water administrative law enforcement of the administrative supervision and inspection , investigate illegal cases in water as the administrative licensing examination , water conservancy , not as a collection of fees for the administrative enforcement and water .