
ɡuó jiā bǔ chánɡ
  • National compensation;state reimbursement
  1. 作者试图从国家补偿的角度对野生动物致人损害的救济的法理基础,赔偿义务机关的设置等问题提出一点设想。

    From the angle of state reimbursement the writer makes an attempt to raise tentative ideas about such problems as basis of principle of law for relief of damage to people caused by wild animals , establishment of organizations with indemnifying obligation , etc.

  2. 目前为止,我国只有国家赔偿法,而没有关于刑事被害人国家补偿的相关立法。

    Up to the present time , our country only has the State Compensation Law , but still lacks the legislation to give the criminal victims state reimbursement .

  3. 建立我国刑事被害人国家补偿制度刍议

    About construction of national compensation system for the criminal injured party

  4. 论被害人国家补偿制度的价值及本土化

    On Value and Its Indigenization of County Compensation of Criminal Victims

  5. 中国刑事被害人国家补偿制度构建研究

    A Study on Construction of National Compensation System for Criminal Victims

  6. 论我国刑事被害人国家补偿制度的构建

    The Construction of National Recompense System to Criminal Victims in China

  7. 国家补偿是危难救助者法律救济的最后保障。

    State compensations are the last ultimate remedy for the rescuer .

  8. 黄河下游滩区受淹后国家补偿问题研究

    Study on State Compensation for Floodplain Inundation of the Lower Yellow River

  9. 论我国应建立犯罪被害人国家补偿制度

    On Establishing the National Compensation System of the Criminal Victims

  10. 被害人国家补偿应当趋向制度化、法律化。

    The Victim Compensation System should be institutionalized and legalized .

  11. 国家补偿涉农犯罪被害人理论依据思辨

    Discussion on Theoretic Foundation of the State-Compensation for Victims of Agriculture-related Crimes

  12. 侦查环节刑事被害人国家补偿制度刍议

    On the Criminal Victim 's State Compensation System in the Detection Stage

  13. 野生动物致害的国家补偿及其法制完善

    State Compensation of Harmed Wildlife and Making the Law Perfect

  14. 赔偿为主,补偿为辅原则,被告人赔偿刑事被告人的损失为主,国家补偿为辅。

    Compensation is given priority to , complementary principle compensation .

  15. 创建刑事被害人国家补偿制度的新思考

    On Establishment of State Compensation System for Crime Victims

  16. 对我国建立被害人国家补偿制度的立法思考

    Legislative Ideas about Country Compensation System of Criminal Victims

  17. 西部生态农业的外部性损害与国家补偿法律制度片论

    The External Damage of Western Ecological Agriculture and the Compensation Liability of State

  18. 第四部分为刑事被害人国家补偿制度的经济学分析。

    The forth part discusses the economic value of criminal victims compensation system .

  19. 故对刑事被害人国家补偿制度的立法已是大势所趋。

    Therefore , the legislation of criminal victims compensation system is an inevitable trend .

  20. 在交通管理中建立国家补偿制度既有实践依据,又有理论依据。

    Setting up state compensation in traffic control has both practical and theoretical bases .

  21. 在各级法院设置国家补偿审议委员会,实行两裁终局制。

    It need establish state compensation examination and approval commission in various levels of court .

  22. 国家补偿原因范围对引起国家补偿责任的各类行为和事件进行了分析归纳和论证。第四章为国家补偿的方式。

    Chapter 2 is the types of the reasons and the necessary components of national compensation .

  23. 第五部分则是对于我国刑事被害人国家补偿制度的构建提出的基本设想。

    The fifth part outlines the basic framework for establishing the state compensation system in our country .

  24. 第五章,我国刑事被害人国家补偿制度的立法构建。这是本文讨论的另一个核心问题。

    Legislation on The State Criminal Victim Compensation System is another key discussed issue of this paper .

  25. 交通管理中的国家补偿制度

    State Compensation in Traffic Control

  26. 即从经济学角度考虑,建立刑事被害人国家补偿制度是具备可行性的。

    Considering from the perspective of economics , our country establishes criminal victims compensation system is feasible .

  27. 本章从理论和实践上对国家补偿方式进行探讨。

    The former is the weakest part of the research on the national compensation in our country .

  28. 西部生态环境建设和保护中的国家补偿是西部生态环境建设和保护的重要的经济支撑。

    The national compensation system provides crucial economic support for eco-environment construction and protection in western China .

  29. 首先,介绍了当前理论界关于刑事被害人国家补偿制度的各种理论学说。

    Firstly , introduced the current theorists about the theoretical basis of the compensation system for criminal victims .

  30. 且洪水保险基金的主要来源为国家补偿费、保险费与防洪保护费三部分。

    The fund of flood insurance includes allowance fee of government and premium and protection fee of flood control .