
  1. 在过去的一年中,中国已采取措施从国家管控中放开利率。

    Over the past year , China has taken steps towards freeing up interest rates from state control .

  2. 随着市场的发展和国家管控的转型,各家运营商之间的竞争态势开始渐由带有垄断性质的市场竞争状态向更趋自由化的市场竞争状态发展。

    With the development of its relative market and the transformation of governmental regulation , the competitive status between the operators has started to turn from oligarchic monopolization to the market with more free competition .

  3. 政府债务负担的日益上升、国家管控造成的产能下降以及资产负债表的逐步调整,都表明发达经济体的增长态势将较为疲弱,但仍有可能出现库存驱动、短暂而猛烈的商业周期。

    Mounting government debt burdens , reduced productivity associated with state control and a gradual rebalancing of balance sheets all point to a weak trend growth path for advanced economies , but short and vicious inventory-led business cycles are still likely .

  4. 虽然机器被回收了,有害金属也被清除了,但这个过程通常是在贫穷国家进行,管控也不到位,导致很多有毒物质最终流到了环境中。

    Even when the machines are recycled and the harmful metals removed , the recycling process often is carried out in poor countries , in practically uncontrolled ways which allow many poisonous substances to escape into the environment .

  5. 在我国历史上,基于对公司的错误定位,公司往往作为政府的工具,在国家的庇护、管控下生存,这直接导致公司制度主要由国家建构的实践。

    Corporation is used as the tool of government because of being located mistakenly in our history , which directly leads to the practice of corporate system constructed by the state mainly .