
  • 网络The International Financial Crisis;the world financial crisis;Global Financial Crisis
  1. 国际金融危机的爆发,特别是美国GE公司因受金融业务风险敞口过大等因素影响而一度濒临困境,产业集团的产融结合模式再度引起社会关注和反思。

    The international financial crisis and especially GE Corporation on the verge of bankruptcy due to financial business and other factors , arouses public concern and reflection on the pattern of industrial and financial capital combination again .

  2. 近年来,受国际金融危机的影响,我国经济增长速度逐渐下降,投资占GDP的比重逐年上升,而投资对经济增长的拉动作用却逐渐降低。

    In recent years , influenced by the international financial crisis , China s economic growth rate is falling , investment as a share of GDP rise year by year , and the investment of pulling effect on economic growth is gradually reduced .

  3. 如何在后国际金融危机时期谋求新的增长动力?如何解决互联互通建设面临的融资瓶颈?我们应该深入推进区域经济一体化,打造有利于长远发展的开放格局。

    We should strive for deeper regional economic integration , and create an open structure that is beneficial for long-term development .

  4. 亚洲与世界其他地区共克时艰,合作应对国际金融危机,成为拉动世界经济复苏和增长的重要引擎,近年来对世界经济增长的贡献率已超过50%,给世界带来了信心。

    Working side by side with the rest of the world in time of difficulty to tackle the international financial crisis , Asia has emerged as an important engine driving world economic recovery and growth . In recent years , Asia has contributed to over 50 percent of global growth , instilling much needed confidence in the world .

  5. 多国GDP溢出下我国应对国际金融危机的对策研究

    Analysis on China 's Policies against International Financial Crisis with GDP-spillovers in Multilateral Model

  6. 国际金融危机传染机制的三阶段周期动态效应分析&基于VAR系统的实证检验

    Three-stage Dynamic Effects Analysis of International Financial Crises Contagion : an Empirical Analysis based on VAR System

  7. 在IMF贷款问题上,主张取消IMF的长期贷款业务,不主张扩大国际金融危机救助规模,是目前美国的主流观点。

    As to the problem of IMF loans , through the analysis in this paper , it can be seen that canceling long-term loans and not expanding the aiding scale of international finance crises are the present mainstream point of view in America .

  8. 但作为国际金融危机拯救者的IMF,在维护国际金融稳定与发展中尚存有诸多缺陷,面对当今国际金融界新的形势和其自身的软肋,IMF的改革势在必行。

    However , being an organization salving international financial crisis , IMF has many faults in protecting the international financial stability and development . Facing itself fault and the new situation of present international financial field , the reform of IMF should be carried out essentially .

  9. 但仲量联行酒店集团(joneslanglasallehotels)中国区董事总经理安瑞达(andreasflaig)指出,高端酒店市场已面临严重压力不仅仅是因为国际金融危机,数年来客房供应早已过剩。

    But Andreas Flaig , Managing Director China of Jones Lang LaSalle Hotels , says the upper end of the hotel market is already under serious pressure and not just because of the international financial crisis ; it has been in oversupply for several years already .

  10. 国际金融危机传递机制初探

    The primary approach to the transfer mechnism in international financial crisis

  11. 国际金融危机影响及中国旅游饭店的经营策略

    Global Financial Crisis Impact and Countermeasures of Tourist Hotels of China

  12. 国际金融危机下江苏农村信息化工作发展策略

    Development Strategies of Jiangsu Rural Information Work in International Financial Crisis

  13. 国际金融危机冲击下中国工业的反应

    The Strike of Financial Crisis and the Feedback of Chinese Industry

  14. 国际金融危机与建立国际经济政治新秩序

    International Financial Crisis and Establishing New International Economic and Political Order

  15. 国际金融危机的根源、影响及中国的对策

    The International Finance Crisis : Causes , Effect and China 's Strategies

  16. 国际金融危机对越南经济政策的影响

    The Influence of the International Financial Crisis on Vietnam 's Economic Policies

  17. 当前国际金融危机的成因、性质和趋势

    On the Origin , Nature and Tendency of Current International Financial Crisis

  18. 国际金融危机下广州外贸出口形势分析

    Guangzhou foreign trade export situation analysis under international financial crisis

  19. 但随后2008年国际金融危机袭来。

    But then the international banking crisis hit in two thousand eight .

  20. 国际金融危机语境下的相关法律问题探讨

    The Discussion of Legal Issues Relevant to International Financial Crisis

  21. 国际金融危机下的反补贴态势与应对原则

    Trends of countervailing measures and countermeasures during global financial crisis

  22. 转变经济发展方式是应对国际金融危机的有效途径

    Transform Economic Development Mode to Deal with International Financial Crises

  23. 当然,国际金融危机终将会有结束的那一天。

    Of course , international finance crisis will be finished .

  24. 但同时,国际金融危机的影响也在一定程度上对太原重工带来挑战。

    But the international financial crisis brings challenges at the same time .

  25. 这场国际金融危机给中国带来了前所未有的困难和挑战。

    The international financial crisis has inflicted on China unprecedented difficulties and challenges .

  26. 他说,当前,国际金融危机还在扩散蔓延。

    He says , the current international financial crisis , still in diffusion .

  27. 国际金融危机下的中小企业融资问题研究

    Study on SMEs Financing for under International Financial Crisis

  28. 国际金融危机对现代经济学的十大挑战

    On Ten Challenges to Contemporary Economics by Financial Tsunami

  29. 国际金融危机中的中国经济安全及其对策

    China economy safety and countermeasure in international financial crisis

  30. 对国际金融危机下我国赤字财政的理性思考

    Rational Thinking over Fiscal Deficit under International Financial Crisis