
  • 网络treasury funds
  1. 国库资金模型构建与预测&基于Box-Jenkins方法的研究

    Predicting and Modeling the Treasury Funds & Based on Box-Jenkins Method

  2. 科学合理的运作国库资金,在保证安全的基础上实现保值增值,是近年来我国各级财政部门的迫切需要和亟待研究的重要问题。

    It has become an urgent need and problem remaining unsolved of diffident levels of department of finance that how to operate the state treasury funds scientifically and increase the value while guaranteeing its safety .

  3. 人民银行国库资金风险点的查找与防范

    Search and Prevention of National Treasury Risks of the People 's Bank of China

  4. 随着联邦国库资金告急,解决资金问题将是总统要面临的最大的挑战。

    With the federal cash register tapped out , it will be especially difficult to tackle the president 's biggest challenge of all .

  5. 进行库底现金余额的投资运作,使国库资金保值、增值。

    We should carry on the investment operation of the treasury 's cash balance , keeping the fund of the treasury preserve and increase value .

  6. 既要维护实体经济、又要保护国库资金,最佳方法是确保针对个人和企业的必要金融服务受到监管,但绝不要为冒险行为提供担保。

    The best way to safeguard the real economy while protecting the public purse is to ensure essential financial services to individuals and businesses are regulated but to refuse to underwrite risk-taking .

  7. 税收冻结会使财政大臣十分不快:它会使本来就已十分紧张的国库资金变得短缺,而且这也不会刺激足够的增长作为补偿。

    That makes a tax freeze unpalatable to the chancellor : it would leave the treasury 's tank short at a time when every drop is needed , and is unlikely to spur enough growth to compensate .

  8. 一方面需要支付发行巨额国债的利息,另一方面又有大量国库闲置资金得不到有效利用。

    On one hand need to pay huge national debt issuance of interest , on the other hand , has a large treasury idle fund are not effectively use .

  9. 税收数据虽然也遭到了人们的责问,但它失真的可能性较低因为它是依据流入国库的资金流计算得出的,而不是基于更易出现错误的调查技巧。

    The tax revenue data , while not beyond reproach , is less likely to be distorted as it is counted as the funds flow into the exchequer , not by more fallible survey techniques .

  10. 它所有的开支都来自公共资金,他绝不允许国库的资金都用在游泳池这种无足轻重的事情上。

    Anything spent on it would have to come from public funds , and there was no way he was going to allow the state coffers to be depleted on something as frivolous as a swimming pool .

  11. 在最后部分综合运用了财务管理方面的知识,尝试性的使用了修正的Miller-Orr模型,引入大量数据,确定出了合理的国库库底资金安全留存额。

    In the last part of the paper , writer attempts to use the revised model Miller-Orr and introduce large amounts of data to determine a reasonable treasury at the end of the retirement funds for security .

  12. 同时,银行与国库进行税款资金清算,完毕后将本次清算的资金总额连同税票明细信息通过网络发送到国库。

    Meanwhile , the banks and the Treasury settle the tax capital , after that , they complete the liquidation of the total amount of this detail , together with the stamps to send information through the network to the state treasury .

  13. 基于国库集中支付的资金拨付信息系统的研究与设计

    Based on the National Treasury Centralized Payment of Funds Disbursed Information System Engineering Design and Research

  14. 由于我国实行经理国库制,财政资金的收支活动均须通过中央银行。

    Because China implements " manager treasury system ", fiscal income and expenditure activities require passing funds through the central bank .

  15. 大量资金沉淀在国库,导致财政资金利用效率低下:一方面财政部门要为发行的国债支付高额利息费用,另一方面财政闲置资金得不到有效利用,而只能赚取活期存款利息。

    Too much money depositing in treasury leads to inefficient use of funds . On one side , fiscal departments have to pay high interest for government debts . On the other side , financial idle funds are not used effectively .

  16. 现代国库管理制度的建立也改变了对资金使用和调度的监管方式,借助于国库单一账户这个资金的唯一出口,清晰反映财政性资金每一笔钱的来龙去脉。

    The establishment of a modern treasury management system also changed for the use of funds and dispatching supervision , the only outlet with the help of treasury single account the funds , clearly reflect the financial capital of each money sequence of events .

  17. 国库集中支付制度不同于以往国库分散支付制度,它是以国库单一账户体系为基础,以国库集中支付为资金拨款主要形式的财政国库管理制度。

    Different from the past treasury dispersed payment system , treasury centralized payment system is a fiscal treasury management system with single treasury accounting system as its base , and with the treasury centralized payment for appropriation as its abbreviated form .