
fā piào rén
  • drawer;maker;one who hands out tickets
  1. 支票可由发票人作普通或特别划线。

    A cheque may be crossed generally or specially by the drawer .

  2. 发票人与付款人同属一人;

    Where drawer and drawee are the same person ;

  3. 则上述发票人或背书人对汇票之责任,即告解除。

    Such drawer or indorser is discharged from his liability on the bill .

  4. 发票人或背书人不获通知此事,其责任即告解除。

    Any drawer or indorser to whom such notice is not given is discharged .

  5. 关于发票人方面,有下列情形者

    " As regards the drawer , in the following cases , namely & "

  6. 发票人已撤销付款命令;

    Where the drawer has countermanded payment ;

  7. 承兑汇票乃指付款人同意发票人之付款指示。

    The acceptance of a bill is the signification by the drawee of his assent to the order of the drawer .

  8. 如发票人或背书人破产,通知可发给当事人本人或其信托人或财产管理人

    " Where the drawer or indorser is bankrupt , the notice may be given either to the party himself or to his trustee or assignee ;"

  9. 凡将不能兑现之汇票退回发票人或背书人,在形式上足以视为有效之不能兑现之通知

    " The return of a dishonoured bill to the drawer or an indorser is , in point of form , deemed a sufficient notice of dishonour ;"

  10. 如果你是存支票,你需要填妥以下详情,日期,户口姓名号码,发票人,存银码以及签名在表格上。

    If you are depositing a cheque you will have to fill in the following details , cheque drawer , deposit amount , and sign the form .

  11. 发票人或背书人不获通知此事,其责任即告解除:兹经双方同意,决定解除合伙关系,特此通告。

    Any drawer or indorser to whom such notice is not given is discharged ; We advise you that we have by mutual agreement decide to dissolve partnership .

  12. 不得向适时执票人否认一切有关发票人签名及所有先前背书之真实性及正确性;

    It is precluded from denying to a holder in due course the genuineness and regularity in all respects of the drawer 's signature and all previous indorsements ;

  13. 一般性承兑指同意依照发票人之指示付款而不另加限制。限制性承兑则载有明文,改变原来所开汇票之效力。

    A general acceptance assents without qualification to the order of the drawer . a qualified acceptance in express terms varies the effect of the bill as drawn .

  14. 第一部分:空白票据是发票人有意空缺若干必要记载事项并授权相对人补记齐全而签发的票据,各国对空白票据的称呼不尽雷同;

    In Part I , a blank bill is issued under the conditions that a drawer intentionally makes several necessary items vacant and authorizes the counterpart to complete them .

  15. 本票可由两个或两个以上之发票人开立,该等人士可按照该票之限期,共同,或共同及个别对该票负责。

    A promissory note may be made by two or more makers , and they may be liable thereon jointly , or jointly and severally , according to its tenor .

  16. 电子支票运作过程中截留伪造支票时,可在支票委托人和发票人之间任择其一行使权利。

    In case of withholding a forged check in the process of the operation of the electronic check , the bank can choose either the faker or the drawer to exercise its power .

  17. 如汇票不再由签名之发票人、承兑人或背书人占有,除能提出反证外,可推定其已作有效及无条件之交付。

    Where a bill is no longer in the possession of a party who has signed it as drawer , acceptor , or indorser , a valid and unconditional delivery by him is presumed until the contrary is proved .

  18. 但汇票不必经公证注明或作拒绝证书始可保留向发票人或背书人追偿之权利。未按照前款规定期限通知的,持票人仍可以行使追索权。

    But it shall not be necessary to note or protest any such bill in order to preserve the recourse against the drawer or indorser . In case of failure to do what is stipulated in the preceding paragraph , the holder may still exercise the right of recourse .

  19. 注明出口人的全称、地址和国家。须与发票上的出口人名称一致。

    The name must be the same as the exporter described in the invoice .

  20. 例如,要确认一项索赔,需要查看保险单,与索赔有关的历史记录,比如医疗发票,以及索赔人的历史记录。

    For example , to validate a claim , you may need to look at the insurance policy . The historical records attached to the claim , like medical invoices , may be claimant history too .

  21. 商业发票必须由出口人指定的熟悉本项交易,或可以立即了解本项交易的一名负责雇员签字证明。

    Commercial invoice must be identified by a responsible individual who has knowledge of , or can readily obtain knowledge of , the facts of the transaction , and must be an employee of the exporter .