
fā hónɡ bāo
  • Hand out red envelopes;award a bonus
  1. 雇主发红包给他们的员工当作年终奖金。

    Employers give red packets to their employees as a year-end bonus .

  2. 你怎么人人都发红包?

    You give red packets to everyone ?

  3. 红�在中国农历新年发红包是另一个著名的传统。

    Giving hongbao ( red packets or red envelopes ) during the Chinese New Year is another famous tradition .

  4. 为了抢红包发红包,我连手机账户都开通了,每天等着提现金呢!

    In order forme to get and send red envelopes , even my cellphone account was opened , I wouldwait every day to get my cash !

  5. 对于那些刚开始工作还没有孩子的人,问题是他们没有钱去发红包。

    For those who are just starting to work and don 't have any children , the problem is that they have little money to give away .

  6. 有网友称,亲人之间常联系、多走动是更好的表示关心的方法,“完全可代替发红包”。

    There are net friends considering that regular and more contact between family members should be a better way to express concern , which can fully replace sending gift money .

  7. 其他人则开玩笑说,盖茨也许会用到微信放贷借款的功能,甚至还会给中国网友们发红包。

    Others joked that perhaps Gates would take advantage of popular WeChat features used to borrow or lend money , or would even send Lucky Money packets to Chinese users .

  8. 尽管这些红包被用来发送实际的现金礼物,但是人们往往会互相发红包作为一种社交的方式,大多数人收到的红包金额与他们所发出的红包金额相当。

    While these red envelopes are used to make actual cash gifts , they are often exchanged back and forth as a form of socialising in which most users receive the same amount that they send .

  9. 当时,陈光标被一位自称要照顾88岁老母的失业女性拦下,随即给了她7万新台币的红包。发红包是中国农历新年期间的一个传统。

    Stopped by an unemployed lady who told of having to take care of her 88-year-old mother , Mr Chen immediately gave her T $ 70,000 in red envelopes commonly handed out around Chinese New Year .

  10. 新郎通常需要借助自己的智慧、勇气和朋友的帮助才能通过这种试炼,然而,为了把新娘带回家,还有一件事他要跟伴娘和新娘的姐妹们协商:给她们发红包的数量。

    Usually wisdom , courage and his friends will help the bridegroom to succeed in his trial . However , there is one more situation he has to negotiate with the bridesmaid and sisters of the bride-to distribute among them red packets containing money-in order to take his bride home .

  11. 马化腾今年5月表示,腾讯移动支付日均交易超过5亿笔,在有着发红包传统的中国农历新年期间,逾25亿个虚拟红包通过其平台发出。

    Tencent 's Mr Ma said in May that the average number of mobile transactions exceeded 500m a day , and that over Chinese new year - when it is traditional to hand out hong bao , or red envelopes of money - more than 2.5bn virtual packets were distributed across its platform .

  12. 春节期间京东在微信和QQ上的促销活动(比如发电子红包),深受对价格敏感的大众市场消费者的喜爱,这些消费者以前通常在阿里巴巴的C2C网站淘宝网上物色便宜货。

    JD . com 's promotional activities on WeChat and QQ , such as distributing virtual hongbao - red envelope gifts - during lunar new year , have increased its popularity among price-sensitive , mass-market consumers who previously looked for bargains on Alibaba 's consumer-to-consumer site Taobao .

  13. 他付给我工资,又为我新争取到的客户而给我发了红包。

    He paid me and added a bonus for the new customers I had signed up .

  14. 师父、师母还为所有参加表演的学员们以及所有在场的孩子们发了红包,恭贺新年,祝愿大家新的一年中身体健康、万事如意!

    At the end , Master Li and his wife gave all the students and the children " red envelopes " to wish them a very happy new year , and the whole year a healthy and prosperous one .

  15. 对了,我收到了好多朋友们发来的红包,同时我也给出了许多。

    Oh , I got a lot of red envelopes from my friends , and I gave a lot away too !