
  1. 黄珞瑶村成了中国著名的长发村。

    They are known throughout China as the ' long hair village ' .

  2. 图片中的中国妇女因为头发奇长无比,她们所在的村落也因此入选吉尼斯世界纪录,成为世界第一长发村。

    These Chinese women have taken their long hair to new lengths making a Guinness World Record as the world 's first long hair village .

  3. 中巴车开上东发村印满车辙的泥土路,载着这位年轻工人和他的太太离开这个靠近俄罗斯边界的穷乡僻壤。

    The bus is starting to roll down the rutted dirt road in Dongfa village , carrying the young worker and his wife away from this ghost town near the Russian border .

  4. 发殡那天村里很多家门口都要挂上鞭炮送老人上山。

    Many firecrackers hanging on walls in the daytime ready to send the coffin up the mountain .