
  • 网络chinese resident;chinese citizen
  1. 评价标准参考中国居民膳食营养素参考摄入量(DRIs)。

    The evaluation criterion referred to the Chinese resident meals nutrition DRIs .

  2. 演变与差距:中国居民消费中的结构性问题辨析

    Evolvement and Difference : Discrimination of Structured Issues on Chinese Resident Consumption

  3. 中国居民食品消费的AIDS模型分析&以西部城镇地区为例

    An AIDS Model Analysis on Food Demand of Chinese Residents : A Case of Urban Areas in the West

  4. 通过建立ECM模型,研究了中国居民证券资产和住房资产的财富效应。

    In this paper we studied the wealth effects of the households ' stock assets and housing assets in china through ECM model .

  5. 免税购物专营商环球蓝联的英国区经理戈登•克拉克(GordonClark)表示:今年,将有超过1亿名中国居民出国旅行,同时购买高端奢侈品牌。

    This year , more than 100m Chinese residents will travel abroad seeking high-end luxury brands , says Gordon Clark , UK manager for Global Blue , tax-free shopping specialists .

  6. 方法2002年中国居民营养与健康调查中同时使用称重法、24h回顾法和食物频率法进行膳食调查的15-75岁的居民23198名(男11107名,女12091名)。

    Subjects The data of 2002 China National Nutrition and Health Survey were used . All 23 198 subjects ( male 11 107 , female 12 091 ) finished all three dietary survey methods .

  7. 本文基于“中国居民健康和营养调查”(CHNS)数据,研究所有制性质与非工资性收入分配问题。

    This paper studies Chinas non-wage income structure and its inequality pattern , basing on the China Health and Nutrition Survey ( CHNS ) .

  8. 本文利用2003和2007年中国居民宏观统计数据,运用ELES模型对中产阶层的需求结构进行实证分析。

    This paper , According to the macroeconomic statistics data of Chinese residents in2003 and2007 , takes an empirical analysis on needing structure of the middle class with the help of ELES model .

  9. 中国居民2002年膳食纤维的摄入现状

    The status of dietary fiber intake of Chinese people in 2002

  10. 中国居民家庭的收入变动及其对长期平等的影响

    The Household Income Mobility and Its Equalizing Long-term Income in China

  11. 行为金融学视角中的中国居民储蓄

    The Saving Behavior of the Chinese Residents Explained by Behavioral Finance

  12. 第三,中国居民家庭收入流动性有助于降低长期收入不平等。

    Thirdly , household income mobility can help reducing income inequality .

  13. 中国居民卫生服务需要的转型与未来需要量预测的探讨

    Transition of chinese health services needs and forecasting of future needs

  14. 中国居民高储蓄额成因分析

    Analysis on the Reasons of the High Resident Deposit in China

  15. 中国居民储蓄和收入关系研究

    A Study on the Relationship between Household Saving and Income in China

  16. 中国居民收入差距过大问题研究

    Analysis on the Problem of Excessive Income Differential in China

  17. 应用期望膳食模式评价中国居民膳食结构

    Assessment of dietary pattern in China with desirable dietary pattern

  18. 中国居民健身活动的描述性分析

    The Descriptive Analysis of Exercise Participation of Residents in China

  19. 中国居民区域健康公平性影响因素实证研究

    Demonstration research of China citizen 's health fairness influence factor

  20. 转型时期中国居民消费升级的产业结构效应研究

    The Industrial Structre Effect of Consumption Upgrading in Transition China

  21. 考虑住房因素的中国居民资产配置问题研究

    Chinese Resident 's Asset Allocation in the Presence of Housing

  22. 中国居民收入差距研究:1978~2004

    Study on Residents ' Income Disparity of China : 1978 ~ 2004

  23. 中国居民收入分配与经济发展

    The Personal Income Distribution and Economic Development in China

  24. 中国居民高血压造成冠心病和脑卒中的经济负担研究

    Economic burden of coronary heart disease and stroke attributable to hypertension in China

  25. 中国居民社会安全感调查

    The Survey of Chinese Residents ' Social Safety Feelings

  26. 中国居民营养与健康现状

    The Nutrition and Health Status of the Chinese People

  27. 中国居民高等教育投资决策分析

    Analysis of investment decision of higher education of Chinese

  28. 1978&2005年中国居民消费支出结构研究经常开支;经常开支;经常性费用;经常性费用;经常性支出;经常性支出

    The Research on Chinese Residents Consumption Payout Structure during 1978-2005 ; recurrent expenditure

  29. 大屏幕彩电将缓慢走进中国居民家庭

    The Big-Screen Colour TV Will be Common in China

  30. 中国居民参加体育锻炼的区域差异比较

    The Regional Difference Comparison on the Residents Participating in Physical Exercise in China