
  • 网络Chinese Poetry and Verse
  1. 中华诗词与当代大学生的情感教育探讨

    Chinese Poetry and the Study of Affection Education of Contemporary College Students

  2. 论素质教育与中华诗词进校园

    Introducing Chinese poems to the campus and quality education

  3. 大众化:中华诗词的发展方向

    Popularization Is the Developing Orientation of Chinese Poetry

  4. 中国美术家协会会员、中国书法家协会会员、中华诗词协会会员。

    He is a member of the Chinese Artists Association , Chinese Calligraphers Association and Chinese Poetry Association .

  5. 二是开创和确立了一代思想性与艺术性相结合,现实主义与浪漫主义相结合,典雅与通俗相结合,以豪放为主而又不废婉约的新的当代中华诗词之风;

    Secondly , he founded and established the new modern Chinese poetic style which combined thoughts with art , realism with romanticism , elegance with popularity , powerful and free school with the traditional subtle and concise school .