
zhōng zhuǎn
  • transfer;transit shipment;change trains
中转 [zhōng zhuǎn]
  • [change trains] 中途转换交通运输工具

  • 中转站

中转[zhōng zhuǎn]
  1. 那家机构充当了从军火工业向他处中转资金的渠道。

    The organization had acted as a conduit for money from the arms industry .

  2. 这家公司成了工作的中转站。

    The company became a revolving-door workplace .

  3. 莫斯科机场的中转候机室

    a transit lounge at Moscow airport .

  4. PLC在粮食中转立筒库中的应用

    Application of PLC in erect silo warehouse for transference of foodstuff

  5. PLC在大型粮食中转仓库监控系统中的应用

    Design of a foodstuff storehouse monitoring system based on PLC

  6. 转基因植物(农产品)中转基因成分的PCR检测

    PCR Identification of Transgenic Components in Transgenic Plants and Products of Transgenic Plants

  7. 首先,应当始终防止您的机器(为数百万个用户提供Web内容的机器)成为一个邮件中转站。

    First , you should always protect against your machine the one serving your Web content to millions of users from being used as a mail relay .

  8. 当RF领域超出边框形式极限时,LED显示照亮和主要警报中转触发器。

    An LED indicator illuminates , and primary alarm relay triggers , when the RF field exceeds the preset limit .

  9. 对于多次中转,HTTP和TLS/SSL没有提供足够的安全性。

    For multiple intermediaries in between , HTTP and TLS / SSL do not provide adequate security .

  10. 基于AHP的舟山港原油中转库布局规划浅议

    Probe on the Developing Allocation of Crude Oil Depot in Zhoushan Port by the Way of AHP

  11. 方法:对109例LC中转开腹的临床资料进行回顾性分析。

    Method The clinical data of109 cases of LC convertion to laparotomy was analyzed retrospectively .

  12. Bt水稻杂交育种中转基因的遗传分析

    Genetic Analysis of Transgenes in the Progenies of Bt Rice Crossed to Conventional Rice Varieties

  13. 目的探讨如何控制腹腔镜胆囊切除术(LC)开展初期的并发症及中转率。

    Objective To probe into how to control the initial complications and transfer rates of laparoscope .

  14. 结果:115例顺利完成腹腔镜胆囊切除术(LC),7例中转开腹。

    Results : Among them , 115 cases were success , 7 cases changed to open operation .

  15. P2P(Peer-to-Peer)网络采用点对点分散式网络架构,它不需要服务器的中转。

    P2P ( Peer-to-Peer ) uses point-to-point network construction , which does not need the transfer of servers .

  16. ReplicationCenter将使用联邦服务器的中转(pass-through)和别名功能,操作非DB2目标服务器。

    The Replication Center will work with the non-DB2 target server using the federated server 's pass-through and nickname facilities .

  17. LC组中转OC率为12%,并发症为4%;

    The rate of conversion to open surgery was 12 % in cases with LC ;

  18. 在接下来的所有示例中,都会使用其中的表STAFF(组织图)或FLIGHTS(航班中转)其中的一个。

    For all subsequent examples one of the tables STAFF ( Organization Chart ) or FLIGHTS ( Flight connections ) will be used .

  19. 第一个部分,起始SELECT语句,预先定义了起始点(如组织图中的管理人员或航班中转里的起航)。

    The first part , the initial select statement , predefines the starting point ( e.g.the manager in an organization chart or the departure in a flight connection ) .

  20. 结论:根据病史及B超检查可在术前判断LC的难易度,只要掌握LC技术,对手术难度大的患者行LC是安全的,果断地中转开腹是避免LC严重并发症的最好方法。

    Conclusions : By acknowledge of history and B ultrasound , LC can be judged the degree of difficulty .

  21. 一旦你的服务请求开始交由ApacheSynapse中转,ApacheSynapse就可以执行许多功能,包括路由、负载平衡、变换(transformation)和协议交换(protocolswitching)。

    Once Apache Synapse is mediating your service requests it can perform many functions including routing , load-balancing , transformation and protocol switching .

  22. 目的探讨LC手术恰当的适应证,正确把握中转开腹指征,预防和处理并发症。

    Objective To investigate the appropriate adaptation and indications of LC converted to laparotomy , the prevention and treatment of complication .

  23. 结论合理运用LC及选择性引流、适时中转,急性胆囊炎行腹腔镜胆囊切除术(LC)是安全有效地。

    Conclusions : Reasonably using LC and the selective drainage and timely open exploration , the Laparoscopic cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis is safe and effective .

  24. SEM分析结果表明,转谷氨酰胺酶的加入可使碎肉形成致密的凝胶网络结构,在3个实验组中转谷氨酰胺酶与酪蛋白结合效果更好。

    Scanning electron microscope indicated that the addition of transglutaminase could make minced meat form uniform gel network , and the effect of modified casein bind well in the three groups .

  25. 结果:calot三角解剖不清是中转开腹的主要原因。

    Result : It was the reason that uncleared in dissection of calot triangle .

  26. 结论:只要掌握正确的手术时机,及时中转开腹,急性胆囊炎行LC是安全可行的。

    Conclusions : If taken the opportunity of LC correctly and changed to open operation in time , LC is safe and feasible in acute cholecystitis with cholelithiasis .

  27. 该请求被中转和路由到该代理,它进行第二次中转,将请求路由到与提供者关连的ESB。

    The request is mediated and routed to the broker , which performs a second mediation , routing the request to the ESB with which the provider is affiliated .

  28. 常规术式42例,中转开腹6例(14.3%),平均手术时间(170±40)min。

    While 42 patients were operated with traditional laparoscopic method , changing to open operation in 6 cases ( 14.3 % ), and the mean operating time was ( 170 ± 40 ) min .

  29. 对这些缺失变种在DNA上缺失的区域进行限制图分析,确定了转座子Tn233(CH)中转座基因的位置。

    Then the deletions were mapped by restriction endonucleases analysis . Thus , the location of transposition genes of Tn233 ( CH ) was verified .

  30. 油菜籽中转基因抗草甘膦油菜籽的定量检测菜籽多酚与BHA在菜籽油中的协同抗氧化作用

    Quantitative Detection of Genetically Modified Roundup-ready Canola in Imported Canadian Canola Synergistic anti-oxidative effects of rapeseed polyphenol and BHA on rapeseed oil