
pài chū suǒ
  • local police station;police substation;precinct
派出所 [pài chū suǒ]
  • [local police station] 中国公部门的基层机构,管理户口和基层治安等工作

派出所[pài chū suǒ]
  1. 现有的辽源模式、大庆模式等派出所体制改革模式,各有利弊,但均未以法律来规范改革进程、保障改革成果,缺乏过程的理性和结果的可持续性。

    Have Liao the system reform patterns of local police station such as source pattern and Daqing pattern , have advantages and disadvantages each , but do not normalize reform process and guarantee with law to reform accomplishment , the reason that lack process the continuation with result .

  2. 你可以和当地的派出所联系下。

    And you can contact the local police station .

  3. 小偷被扭送到派出所了。

    The thief was seized and turned over to a police station .

  4. 那个小偷给揪到派出所去了。

    The thief was dragged off to the police station .

  5. 它几乎不在该派出所的辖区之内。

    It hardly falls within the area under the police station 's jurisdiction .

  6. 那个小偷已送交派出所了。

    That thief was handed over to the police .

  7. 随后,他留下一张纸条,让失主知道钱包是安全的,随后将钱包带到附近的派出所。

    He then took the wallet to a nearby police station after leaving a note behind to let the owner know it was safe .

  8. GIS在派出所管理系统中的应用

    An application of GIS to management system in the police station

  9. 简介了GIS技术,并论述了GIS在派出所管理系统中应用的主要技术内容和基本原理。

    The article gives a brief introduction of the GIS technique and discusses the main technical content and the basic principle used in the management system in the police station .

  10. 当前影响派出所改革深化的原因分析

    On the Causes of Preventing Local Police Stations ' Deepening Reform

  11. 坎农街派出所正在讯问一个年轻人。

    A youth was being questioned at Cannon row police station .

  12. 浅谈派出所等级评定工作

    On working An Opinion to the Ranking Assessment in Police Sub-stations

  13. 你就去马市街派出所,那里是市区。

    You go race sands police station , where urban areas .

  14. 新时期加强派出所基础建设的几点思考

    Considerations on Strengthening the Foundational Construction of Police Stations in New Times

  15. 派出所大事记和组织沿革的编写

    On Writing Important Events Records of Police Substation and History of Organizations

  16. 农村派出所区域一体化警务模式构想

    On the Conception of Regional Unified Policing Pattern of Country Police Stations

  17. 有人报告派出所,一个小孩丢了。

    Someone reported to the police station that a child was missing .

  18. 深化农村派出所、刑侦工作改革

    Deepen the Reform of Criminal Investigation of Rural Police Station

  19. 这个时候,我已经联系了保罗派出所。

    At this point , I have already contacted the St.

  20. 警察把我的车开到派出所。

    The policeman drove my car to the police station .

  21. 可以,提出申请,与派出所协商具体程序。

    Can , offer application , negotiate particular program with police station .

  22. 警官把嫌疑犯带到派出所。

    The constable conducted the suspect to the police station .

  23. 无论如何决不要让人看见他去警察派出所。

    On no consideration must he be seen visiting the police station .

  24. 小偷被带到附近的派出所。

    The pickpocket was brought to the nearby police station .

  25. 加强派出所工作,夯实稳定之基

    Strengthen the Public Substation Work , Seta Stable Basis

  26. 简论派出所勤务制度改革

    On the Reform of Duty System in Police Substations

  27. 对派出所根本不买帐。

    To the police station did not buy it .

  28. 三名嫌疑犯被扣留在派出所。

    Three suspects were detained at the police station .

  29. 警方为了阻止这些人对交通造成影响,遂将其带回派出所。

    Officers took the group into custody on possible obstruction of traffic charges .

  30. 具体到户口所在地派出所咨询一下。

    Specific seek advice to police station of seat of registered permanent residence .