
pài shēnɡ fǎ
  • derivative method;Secondary Law
  1. 本文首先提出了基于面向对象思想的建模方法——聚合派生法。

    The thesis first promotes based Object Oriented Modeling method-Aggregating & Deriving Mothod .

  2. 基于成组原理,结合零件特征BOM,用派生法实现了零件工序工步的自动选择和排序;采用逻辑决策的方法实现了工艺参数和设备的自动选取。

    Selection and ordering of working procedure and working step are realized based on GT ( Group Team ) principle and part feature BOM and deriving method , and automatic selection of process data and equipment are realized by using logic determination method .

  3. 汉韩法律术语都使用三种形式的构词法:复合法、派生法、缩略法。

    And two legal terms use three types of word-formation : compounding , derivation , abbreviation .

  4. 派生法和复合法是最普遍、最具创造性的构词法。

    The derivation and compounding are the most common and the most creative methods in word formation .

  5. 以词根复合法与词缀派生法为主的语法造词;

    Word-making by grammar , which mainly shows the compound of the roots and derivation of the prefix or the suffix ;

  6. 从英语派生法的构词手法上来解释英语“否定、反对、逆转”等前缀及它们的一些延伸意义的用法。

    This essay tries to express the extended meanings of negative prefixes , such as " negative , opposite , and reverse " etc.

  7. 衍生用派生法或复合法构(词)四唑及其衍生物的理论研究(8)硝氨四唑衍生物的从头算

    To make ( a word ) by derivation or composition . Theoretical Study on Tetrazole and Its Derivatives ( 8 ) Ab initio Study on Nitramino Derivatives of Tetrazole

  8. 汉语构词法以复合法为主,而蒙语构词法以派生法为主,这样的差异就势必导致在汉语教学中蒙古学生在记忆和理解词汇方面产生许多困难。

    The Chinese main word formation is compounding whereas Mongolia is derivation . Such differences will inevitably lead to Mongolian students in terms of memory and understanding vocabulary of Chinese language .

  9. 其中有些汉字词适应韩国语的派生法造词规律,词汇意义逐渐虚化,成为韩国语汉字词缀。

    Some of them that have fitted the creation pattern of derivative words of South Korean Language and whose lexical meanings have gradually become illusory , become Chinese character affixes of South Korean language .

  10. 实例改写分别采用派生改写法、基于CBR的参数化图库和特征造型系统;

    The cases were adapted through the derived overwriting , CBR based parametric graphic database and a feature modeling system respectively .

  11. 在汉语中,虽然派生构词法没有占有那么大的比例,但是随着社会的发展及语言的演变,也逐渐成为重要的构词方式。

    Although derivation does not play such an important role in Chinese word-formation , it becomes more and more significant in word-formation with the evolution of the society and the language .

  12. 本人在充分对比英语词缀与派生构词法后,重点对现代汉语中所谓的典型词缀、类词缀及汉语构词法进行了较为深入的反思,认为典型词缀和类词缀都不是西方语言学意义上的词缀。

    By comparing with English affix and derivation , with the effort on in-depth rethinking about typical affix , quasi-affixes and word-building of Chinese , the author believes that neither typical affix nor quasi-affixes is affix in western linguistics .

  13. 股东派生诉讼是公司法赋予公司股东维护公司合法权益的重要手段。

    The Shareholders ' Derivative Suit is the important method that the Corporation Law entrusts the shareholder to defend the company legitimate rights and interests .

  14. 本章主要从五个方面加以阐述:一是阐述英国股东派生诉讼由判例法向成文法转变的这一历史变化。

    This chapter described from five aspects : First , the British shareholder derivative claims described by the case law of this historic change to the statute changes .

  15. 首先,从诉权理论出发,探究了股东提起派生诉讼的实体法基础和程序法依据,即股东权和诉的利益。

    First of all , based on the theory of the right of suit , explored the substantive law and procedural law basis on the shareholder derivative lawsuit .

  16. 方法是由对象派生的,环境法调整对象的性质和特点决定了环境法调整方法的特点。

    The method derives from the target , so the nature and characteristics of the regulative target of the environmental law determine the characteristics of the regulative method of the environmental law .