
  • 网络manchu literatures
  1. 齐齐哈尔满文文献、档案调查报告

    Investigation Report on the Manchu Literatures and Files in Qiqihar

  2. 大连图书馆馆藏满文文献概述

    Introduction to Manchu Literatures in Dalian Library

  3. 清代满文文献概论

    An Outline of the Literature in the Manchu Writing of the Qing Dynasty

  4. 试论早期满文文献分类

    Tentatively on Classification of Primal Manchu Documents

  5. 满文文献的著录对满文文献的开发利用具有重要作用。

    The description on Manchu literature is of vital importance to the exploitation and utilization of it .

  6. 满文文献是研究清代历史、语言、文化等问题的重要资料。

    Manchu literatures are the important materials in research of history , language and culture of Qing Dynasty .

  7. 有清一代,满语文作为官方语言文字在全国范围内普及,形成了大量的满文文献。

    As the Manchu language and script were popularized as an official language during Qing Dynasty , a number of Manchu documents were formed .

  8. 大连图书馆藏有丰富的满文文献,但由于种种原因,整理和编目情况不够完善,因而人们对其缺乏足够的了解。

    Even though there are abundant Manchu Literatures in Dalian Library , people know little about them owning to imperfect reorganizing work and other reasons alike .

  9. 本文就早期满文文献界定、分类的意义、分类的基本原则、类目体系设置、分类标识等问题进行初步探讨。

    The paper primarily explores the definition of primal Manchu documents , the significance and the basic principle of classification , the setting of category system , and signal of category on them .

  10. 《四书》修订稿本同时也是满文古籍文献研究、满语研究的重要对象之一。

    So it could be taken as one of the important objects in Manchu ancient books and Manchu language research .

  11. 满文&谚文文献

    The Literatures in Manchu - Korean Language

  12. 树立正确的满文翻译观,对于提高满文翻译能力,更好地开展满文古籍文献整理翻译、科研教学工作是十分必要的。

    So setting up the right conception is essential for us to improve the ability to translate Manchu , to do better in sorting out the Manchu literatures and in study and teaching work related .