
mǎn tiān fán xīng
  • The sky was studded with twinkling stars
满天繁星[mǎn tiān fán xīng]
  1. 满天繁星,象一池银色的米诺鱼。

    It was as thick with stars as a pool of silver minnows .

  2. 看这满天繁星。

    Look at the stars .

  3. 晚上,我们搭起了帐蓬,烤着牛排,围着篝火懒散地躺着,睡眼朦胧地凝望着满天繁星。

    That evening we pitched tents , broiled steaks and sprawled around the campfire , staring sleepily at the stars .

  4. 那是九月初,一个满天繁星的美好夜晚,空气还很柔和。

    It was a lovely starlight night in the beginning of September , and the air was mild and still .

  5. 我常常在深夜独自凝视着满天繁星,暗自祈祷能有奇迹发生,好让我的家再次充满欢乐。

    I always stayed up at night , staring at the stars , hoping a miracle would happen and my family could be happy again .

  6. 当我们欣赏满天繁星,体验宇宙的神奇时,霍金正用他仅能活动的双指探索着宇宙中的未知物质;

    When we appreciate the sky the stars and experience the magic of the universe when Hawking was only the activities with his two fingers to explore the universe of the unknown substances ;

  7. 呣.我自己还是喜欢躺在满天繁星下的地上。缺少天敌的田鼠们,繁殖、破坏起来自然随心所欲。

    Mm . But I myself enjoy sleeping on the ground under the stars . The field mice , lacking natural predators , have flourished in numbers and are running amok destroying nature .

  8. 这伙年轻人随着歌声弹着吉他在晴朗、满天繁星的夜里走出酒店,走过窄街。那两朵鲜红的石竹花,平原女儿也走在行列中。

    With songs and with sounding guitars the young people returned that evening from the tavern , through the narrow streets ; the two glowing carnations , daughters of the Campagna , went with them .

  9. 以这种观看方式来处理,是因为小时候乘凉,睡在躺椅中,仰望着满天繁星时的那种想入非非的经验。

    The arrangement of this way of viewing comes from the childhood experience when I lay on a long chair , getting cool air , looking up at the starry sky , full of various whimsical ideas .

  10. 满天的繁星会引起人们无边无际的遐想。

    A star-studded sky induces fantastic reveries .

  11. 是谁在绘出这午夜满天的繁星?

    Now who will paint the midnight star ?

  12. 你再抓起自己的高尔夫球杆,去打一场18个洞的高尔夫球,一路有满天的繁星陪伴着你呢?

    grabbing your clubs and playing 18 holes with a sky full of stars along for the ride ?

  13. 这些首饰如满天的繁星一般,熠熠光辉点缀着历史和文化的长空。

    The jewelry such as a sky full of stars generally , dotted with gleaming and glorious history and culture .

  14. 尽管帝国皇权已经化为齑粉,历史已经湮没无闻,而那白色的大理石却依然向满天的繁星叹息说:“我记得!”

    Though empires crumble to dust , and centuries are lost in shadows , the white marble still sighs to the stars ," I remember . "