
  • 网络Picturesque
  1. 大自然的鬼斧神工造就了青龙山川行盛,如诗如画,春季繁花似锦,百鸟争鸣,生机昂然;

    Mother Nature created the Dragon mountains Yukimori , picturesque , spring , beautiful flowers , birds contention , a vigorous ;

  2. 这如诗如画的风光是仙都的精华,自古以来天下名人于此驻足。

    This picturesque scenery is the essence of Xiandu , attracting many famous persons to have a sightseeing here .

  3. 本文试图通过席慕蓉如诗如画般的散文,探究其散文的艺术价值。

    This paper tried to explore the artistic value of her essay .

  4. 草原静则如诗如画,纤尘不染;

    Prairie Shizunori picturesque , Qian Chen is not dyed ;

  5. 这些桥不仅方便了人们的生活,也把水乡点缀得如诗如画。

    They not only make life convenient , but also beautify the environment .

  6. 简直如诗如画,如诉如歌,太神秘浪漫了。

    It was so mysterious and romantic like poetry , a picture , a song .

  7. 在一个如诗如画的晚上,我正在享受一家三口融融的暖意。

    It was a night that was like a Chinese ink painting , I enjoyed the joy of family .

  8. 凄凉而孤独,有时夜下写稿时,它都会悄悄地将我带入如诗如画的气氛中。

    Bleak and lonely , and sometimes writing the next night , it will be quietly into my picturesque atmosphere .

  9. 《草原的天空》清清的水塘,碧绿的青草,湛蓝的天空,如诗如画。

    The sky of grassland Pure pond , green grass , blue sky , like a picture of a poem .

  10. 如诗如画的小山谷,非常适合健行、骑马,并建立我们最佳的童年梦想度假胜地。

    This picturesque little valley is the ideal spot for hiking , horseback riding and building our best childhood fantasy resort .

  11. 在那如诗如画的世界里,我是否也会把沉闷的心事放逐绿水红漾,随波而去?

    In that picturesque world , I will also refer matters of the heart banish dull green water red ripples , the waves away ?

  12. 清新的感觉,夏威夷的情调,柔和的色彩搭配,令您有如诗如画般的感受。

    Delightfully fresh felling , the sentimental appeal of hawaii , the soft color match , making you like poem as the feeling for draw .

  13. 喀拉库勒湖位于海拔3600米的帕米尔高原上,波平如镜的湖面,倒影着环湖群山的丽影,如诗如画。

    Standing 3600 meters above sea level on the Pamir Plateau , the glacier lake 's water reflects the surrounding mountains like a huge mirror .

  14. 近五十年来,里奇一直从自己悉尼的家眺望着太平洋,从这里可以欣赏到澳大利亚最如诗如画般的景致。

    For nearly five decades he gazed out of his Sydney home overlooking the Pacific Ocean , inspired by one of Australia 's most picturesque views .

  15. 靠窗的人在描绘着这些精美的细节,另一个人就在房间的另一侧闭着眼睛想象着那如诗如画的美景!

    As the man by the window described all this in exquisite details , the man on the other side of the room would close his eyes and imagine this picturesque scene .