
  • 网络Like Wind;like the wind
  1. 许多年来能源的利用率一直是制约如风能和太阳能这样的前沿清洁科技的创新。

    For many years energy efficiency was the poor relation to cutting-edge clean technology initiatives like wind and solar .

  2. 再次,国会应该推进可更新能源的税收抵免,以刺激可替代能源如风能和太阳能的发展。

    Third , Congress should extend renewable power tax credits to spur the development of alternative sources of energy like wind and solar .

  3. 船舶操纵性(ShipManeuverability)的研究内容包括船舶的运动性能以及船舶所处的自然环境和地形环境(如风、浪、流以及浅水与狭窄航道)对其运动性能的影响。

    The research field of the ship maneuverability includes the ship 's movement performance and the natural and water environment ( such as wind , wave , current , shallow and narrow waterways ) 's influence on the ship 's performance .

  4. 军团病生物可通过气流(例如风)传播。

    Legionella organisms can be spread by aerosols such as wind .

  5. 另外为什么她们能来去如风呢?

    Why else would they come and go like the wind ?

  6. 衡量对于服务品质的重要性有如风对于帆一般。

    A scale to service quality is the wind to the sails .

  7. 往事如风,占据了我所有的思绪

    Past such as wind , take up all my thoughts

  8. 天天开心如我,自自在在如风,轻轻摇摆!

    Shake your body like me if you feel happy ?

  9. 犹如风和水抑止着烈火。

    As air and water do abate the fire .

  10. 人的生命吗?有如风前的一支蜡烛。&桑德堡

    Man 's life ? A candle in the wind . & Carl Sandburg

  11. 死人无耳,死后名声有如风马牛。

    Dead men hear no tales : posthumous fame is an Irish bull .

  12. 他们都如风中之尘般飘渺。

    All they are is dust in the wind .

  13. 罗柏的狼叫做“灰风”,因为它跑起来迅捷如风;

    Robb was calling his Grey Wind , because he ran so fast .

  14. 强劲长弓令他们箭无虚发,骑马作战更使他们来去如风。

    Their powerful bows give them punch , while there horses give them mobility .

  15. 因为爱它本身正如风中的蜡烛如此短暂。

    Cause love itself is * Just as brief as a candle in the wind .

  16. 他的马迅捷如风.

    Swift as the wind he rides .

  17. 不须烦恼,不须忧虑,自由如水,自在如风。

    Not a worry , not a care ; Free as water , free as air .

  18. 唱吧,如风恣意喧闹

    Sing like the hustling obstreperous wind

  19. Stuggins说,现在已经有些可再生能源技术(如风力发电)具备了经济可行性。

    Already some renewable technologies , such as wind power , are economically viable , he says .

  20. 唱吧,如风之萧萧

    Sing like the whinnying wind

  21. 因此,可再生能源如风能便成为现阶段重大的研究课题。

    So study of renewable energy such wind energy becomes a major issue at this stage of research .

  22. 如风一般自由

    Free as the Wind

  23. 先天性白内障也可以感染造成影响的母亲在怀孕期间,如风疹。

    Congenital cataracts can also be caused by infections affecting the mother during pregnancy , such as rubella .

  24. 爱的心绪如风,无人知晓它何时而起,为何而生。

    The mood of love are like the wind , and no one knows whence or why they rise .

  25. 我们无法把今天存入银行,明日再取用,谁会捕捉到如风一样的时间呢?

    It cannot be banked today to be withdrawn on the morrow , for who can trap the wind ?

  26. 在新近变得臃肿的行业,如风力发电和硅,可能会以这些柔性措施为主。

    Softer measures like these are likely to dominate in newly bloated areas such as wind power and silicon .

  27. 你们想要驳正言语么?绝望人的讲论,不过如风。

    Do you think you can reprove words ? But the words of a desperate man are for the wind .

  28. 卑鄙之于卑鄙者正如风之于鸟水之于鱼一样。

    As the air to a bird or the sea to a fish , so is contempt to the contemptible .

  29. 惊恐临到我、逐我的尊荣如风.的福禄如云过去。

    Terrors overwhelm me ; my dignity is driven away as by the wind , my safety vanishes like a cloud .

  30. 在影响海洋结构物设计的海洋环境动力因素如风、海浪、海流和海冰等中,通常海浪是最重要的。

    Usually , wave is the most important in the effect of oceanic environmental factors on coastal and offshore structural design .