
  1. 如果我不是我跑去护士办公室。

    If I hadn 't gone to the nurse 's office .

  2. 他在影片中焦急地问道:“如果我不是我,那我到底是谁?”但他的困惑无关紧要,因为他不再是一个血肉丰满的角色,与那群追杀他的机器战警无甚差别。

    If I 'm not me then who the hell am I ? ' he asks anxiously , but his dilemma doesn 't much matter , since he 's no more a full-fleshed character than the hordes of robocops chasing after him .

  3. 他在影片中焦急地问道:如果我不是我,那我到底是谁?但他的困惑无关紧要,因为他不再是一个血肉丰满的角色,与那群追杀他的机器战警无甚差别。

    ' If I 'm not me then who the hell am I ? ' he asks anxiously , but his dilemma doesn 't much matter , since he 's no more a full-fleshed character than the hordes of robocops chasing after him .

  4. 我一直都很有雄心成为一名足球运动员,但是如果我不是,我可能就和我父亲还有兄弟们一样,做些建筑交易。

    It was always my ambition to become involved in football but I suppose if things had been different , I 'd have done what my Dad did and brothers do and entered the building trade .

  5. 如果我不是演员,我会是一个化妆师。

    If I weren 't an actress , I would be a makeup artist .

  6. 如果我不是女人,我的胆量一定更大。

    Yes , if I were not a girl , I would be even more daring !

  7. 你看不见我这身法师装和我的法师杖和我的尖顶法师帽么?如果我不是法师,我穿这些干吗?

    Can 't you see my wizard dress and my wizard stick and my pointy wizard hat ? Why would I wear this stuff if I were not a wizard ?

  8. 我热爱足球,如果我不是职业球员我会去做一份不同的工作,也会参加周日联赛或者其他什么比赛的。

    I just love playing football and if I wasn 't a professional player and I did a different job I would be playing Sunday league or at some kind of level .

  9. 如果我不是提早返回,我早就魂归西天了。

    If I 'm not back in a couple hours , I 'm probably dead .

  10. 好莱坞女星娜塔莉-波特曼拥护该结论道:如果我不是独生子女,我就永远不会成为一个女演员。因为父母不可能为了让我成为一个明星,而牺牲掉另外一个孩子的前途。

    The conclusion was supported by Hollywood actress Natalie Portman : I would never have been an actress if I weren 't an only child because my parents would never have let me be the star of the family at the expense of another child .

  11. 好莱坞女星娜塔莉-波特曼拥护该结论道:“如果我不是独生子女,我就永远不会成为一个女演员。因为父母不可能为了让我成为一个明星,而牺牲掉另外一个孩子的前途。”

    The conclusion was supported by Hollywood actress Natalie Portman : " I would never have been an actress if I weren 't an only child because my parents would never have let me be the star of the family at the expense of another child . "