
qīnɡ fú
  • easy and carefree life;the happiness of a leisurely, retired life
清福 [qīng fú]
  • [an easy and carefree life] 清闲安逸的福气

  • 享清福

  1. 所有的年轻人都必须接受现实,不要自欺欺人,觉得生来就该享清福。

    All young people must face up to reality and not kid themselves that the world owes them a living .

  2. 我的理论是,这些孩子和他们的父母认为,伦敦有自己的地儿&或许清福德(Chingford)那些联排别墅里面,以后就有自己的一套。

    My theory is that those kids and their parents think London has a place for them - a semi-detached house in Chingford , perhaps .

  3. 你为什么不到我这儿来享享清福呢?

    Why don 't you come to my place to enjoy the life ?

  4. 我可以享几天清福了。

    I can be quiet for some days .

  5. 今天咱们可享清福了。

    Today we could enjoy this good fortune .

  6. 沃伦•巴菲特给儿子留下的财产,足以让他追逐自己的梦想,但还不足以让他空享清福。

    Warren Buffett gave his son enough to follow his dream , but not enough to do nothing .

  7. 既然会喝茶,能喝好茶被视为“清福”,那煮茶实为惜福了。

    Being able to get and drink good-quality tea is regarded as " pure happiness " and boiling tea is actually " cherishing the happiness " .

  8. 不仅周本人破产了,整个家庭都背上了沉重的债务。他们欠了身为农民,原计划享清福的周的父母的钱,也欠了周的朋友的钱。

    Not only is Zhou broke , but the family is deeply in debt to his parents farmers who were hoping to have retired by now as well as friends .