
  • 网络clean fracturing fluid;clear fracturing fluid;ves
  1. 新型清洁压裂液的实验室合成

    Laboratory Synthesis of a New Clear Fracturing Fluid

  2. 研究了EA-22作为清洁压裂液增稠剂的流变性能。

    The rheology properties of EA-22 as thickness agent of clear fracturing fluid were investigated .

  3. 介绍了CO2泡沫压裂工艺和清洁压裂液的机理及其特征。

    Mechanism and property of CO2 foam fracture tech and clean fracture fluid are introduced .

  4. 研究开发出了新型的VES清洁压裂液体系,它是由VES粘弹性表面活性剂和水或盐水组成。

    A novel clean fracturing fluid system VES was developed , which was composed of viscoelastic surfactant VES and water / salt water .

  5. 低伤害清洁压裂液VES-1的研制与应用

    The development and application of the clean fracturing fluid system ves-1

  6. 通过介绍清洁压裂液的增粘、破胶机理及其特征和对三口井的现场试验分析,阐明了CTAB国产清洁压裂液对提高低渗透层压后产能的意义。

    By introducing the mechanism of raising viscosity and broke linkage and their features and analysis for three field tested wells , the paper illustrates the interest of CTAB domestic clean fracture fluid to increase production ability of low permeable formation at post-fracture .

  7. FRC-1清洁压裂液体系的性能和应用

    Behavior and Application of FRC - 1 Clean Fracturing Fluid

  8. 清洁压裂液在低渗油藏压裂改造中的应用

    Application of Clear Fracturing Fluid in Low & Permeability Reservoi

  9. 清洁压裂液对煤层气吸附性能的影响

    Impact of the clear fracturing fluid on the adsorption properties of CBM

  10. 清洁压裂液在煤层气井压裂中的应用

    Application of clean fracturing fluid in coalbed gas well fracturing

  11. 国内低中温清洁压裂液研究进展及应用展望

    Study and application of clean fracturing fluid in China

  12. 粘弹性清洁压裂液的研究与应用

    Study and application of viscoelastic surfactant-based fracturing fluid

  13. 中高温清洁压裂液在卫11-53井应用研究

    Clean fracture fluid for medium-high temperature application on well Wei [ sth4 ] 11-53

  14. 国外清洁压裂液的研究进展

    Development of clear fracturing fluids in abroad

  15. 无聚合物清洁压裂液的实验室研究

    Study of Polymer-free Fracturing Fluid in Laboratory

  16. 清洁压裂液不会伤害地层岩缝,符合绿色环保的要求。

    The clean fracturing fluid may not be harmful to cracks of rocks , and meet demands of environmental protection .

  17. 通过改变合成分子和盐的加量得到不同温度下的清洁压裂液配方。

    Though altering dosage of synthesized goods and salt , confirmed clear fracturing fluids composes fit for a series of temperatures .

  18. 同时列举了清洁压裂液在大庆油田的现场试验数据,充分说明了研究和应用清洁压裂液的深远意义。

    The experimental data in Daqing Oil Field were given to make the point of significance of studying cleaning fracturing fluid .

  19. 从作用原理出发,介绍了清洁压裂液的研究现状和应用情况。

    This article describes the current progress in clean fracturing fluid research and their applications , with a focus on how these fluids work .

  20. 无聚合物压裂液是最近几年才发展起来的一类新型水基压裂液,而其中又以一类叫做粘弹性表面活性剂压裂液的新型清洁压裂液体系最受人们的关注。

    Polymer-free fracturing fluids is a new type recently and a kind of fracturing fluids named viscoelastic surfactant fracturing fluids among those is noticed especially .

  21. 清洁压裂液不含任何聚合物,它不需要破胶剂、破乳剂、防腐剂等化学药剂,彻底解决了胍胶压裂液对地层的污染问题。

    The clear fracturing fluid is free of polymer , and it does not need gel breaker , demulsifier , corrosion inhibitor and so on .

  22. 对适用井温80~120℃的中高温清洁压裂液体系进行了室内实验研究和现场施工技术研究,并成功地进行了现场施工。

    Lab study and field trial use have been conducted for a clean fracture fluid system developed for service under wells bottom hole temperature between 80-120 ℃ .

  23. 说明交联水酸性清洁压裂液可以适应长庆油田不同区块储层改造的要求,具有较好的推广价值。

    So the hydro-acidity-cleaning fracturing fluid can be used to different reservoir block because of the requirements of the transformation , and it was a good application value .

  24. 现场实验表明,清洁压裂液具有破胶性能,施工摩阻低,携砂能力强,可有效地控制缝高。

    Field using verified that the fluid possesses good gel breaking property , the operating friction value is low , the proppant carrying ability is strong and fracture length is in control .

  25. 该体系在卫11-53井应用获得成功,是国内第1口中高温清洁压裂液现场施工井。卫11-53井成功施工说明中高温清洁压裂液已达现场应用的水平。

    The system was successfully used on Well Wei 11-53 , which marked the first time in China gas well is simulated with medium-high clean fracture fluid and proved the applicability of the fluid .

  26. 通过膨胀性测试可以看出,清洁压裂液的粘土防膨性能最佳,粘土膨胀率仅有5.7%;聚合物压裂液次之,为9.47%;

    Expandability experiments show that the clay swelling rate of clean fracturing fluid is the lowest , being at 5.7 % , followed by polymer fracturing fluid , being at 9.47 % , while that of guar gum is the highest , being at 43.54 % .

  27. 清洁压裂液对地层的伤害最小,损害率为12.5%,聚合物压裂液次之,为35%,而瓜胶压裂液伤害最大达到43.7%;

    The formation damage of clean fracturing fluid is the smallest , with a damage rate of 12.5 % , followed by polymer fracturing fluid with a damage rate of 35 % , while guar gum is the largest , with a damage rate up to 43.7 % .

  28. 浅层低温油藏清洁型压裂液的研究与应用低温低渗气藏酸基新型压裂液增稠剂的研制

    Research on clean fracturing fluid and its application to shallow low-temperature oil reservoir NEW TYPES OF THICKENER USED UNDER THE CONDITION OF ACIDITY IN LOW TEMPERATURE , LOW PERMEABILITY GAS RESERVOIR

  29. 清洁型水基压裂液在国内外油田现场应用均取得良好的施工效果,其用量约是聚合物压裂液用量的50%。

    The field application of clear fracturing fluids based on water on the domestic and overseas oilfields had good effects with the amount of such fracturing fluid only 50 % of polymer fracturing fluid .