
  1. 基于清波反投影法的计算断层成像(CT)仿真

    Simulation of Computed Tomography Based on Filtered Back - Projection

  2. 思念,是一条悠悠的小河,每当友谊的春风吹来,它就会泛起阵阵清波。

    Yearning is a quiet clear river which ripples with every spring wind of friendship .

  3. 舒畅地穿梭在你的清波。

    Joyfully swimming in your clear waves .

  4. 第三,《清波杂志》中关于窑变朱砂红瓷的记载,应指北宋末钧窑生产的红釉瓷。

    These objects were actually the red glazed objects in Jun Ware which were produced at the end of Northern Song Period .

  5. 我们的山河和古老的土地,在泉水的灌溉下,在清波的冲击中,生长出丰硕的果实。

    Our mountains and rivers and ancient land , irrigation in the spring under the impact of the Shiba , the growth of a rich fruits .

  6. 在漫长的时空历程中,有清波潋滟,也有急流回旋,但它始终奔腾不息,纵横恣肆于神州大地上,奔向前方,奔向未来。

    Through this long course of history , the clear stream of dance has grown into rapid currents , running across the vast lands of china , flowing forever toward the future .

  7. 每当大海在微笑我就是笑的旋涡我分担着海的忧愁分享海的欢乐我最亲爱的祖国你是大海永不干涸永远给我碧浪清波心中的歌

    Every time the sea smiles I become a whirlpool I share the worries of the sea And the happiness of the sea My motherland most dear You are the sea that never dries up You bring me clear and gentle waves And a song in the heart