
  1. 经略西南:岑毓英的思想及实践(1865~1885)

    Slightly pass the southwest : Zhyuan YuYing 's thought and practice ( 1865 ~ 1885 )

  2. 摘要岑毓英研究是晚清人物研究的重要选题之一。

    The research on Cen Yu-ying is one of important topics the personage study of late Qing dynasty .

  3. 文中还评判了岑毓英在谈判中的立场、技巧及得失。

    Have also judged the position , skill and gain and loss in the negotiation of Cen Yuying in the article .

  4. 传统教育、自身的经历和国内的边疆危机为岑毓英治边思想的产生奠定了基础。

    Traditional education , one 's own experience and domestic borderland crisis manage production of thought established the foundation for Cen Yuying .

  5. 第三部分阐述岑毓英在中法滇越界务交涉三个不同阶段中的具体活动。

    The third part have Explain the concrete activity that Cen Yuying at three different stages of the negotiations border affairs between Sino-French in detail .

  6. 试析清政府在帕米尔交涉中的对策岑毓英与中法滇越界务交涉(1885~1887)

    An Analysis on Countermeasures Taken by Qing Government in Pamir Negotiations Cen Yuying and the Negotiations of Yunnan-Vietnam Border Affair between Sino-French ( 1885 ~ 1887 )

  7. 本文指出岑毓英在中法滇越界务交涉中,虽然存在着不足之处,有着其阶级的局限性。

    This text point out though there are weak points of Cen Yuying in the negotiations border affair between Sino-French , there is limitation of its class .

  8. 本文对清末同光中兴名臣岑毓英的边疆建设思想及其实践进行了分析探讨。

    Between this text and latter stage of Qing Dynasty " and mere resurgence famous official " Cen Yu borderland of Great Britain build thought and his practice analyse the discussion .

  9. 第二部分概述岑毓英在中法滇越界务交涉前的各种先期准备。文章主要从策略谋划、行动布置和心理应对等三个方面的准备进行分析。

    The second part Sum up various kinds of previous preparatory work of the negotiations border affairs between Sino-French , analyse from The tactics planning , Take action and fix up and psychology replying .

  10. 近一个世纪来学术界对岑毓英军事、政治等方面研究及在论著和资料整理上,均取得了一定的成果。

    The academic circle has acquired achievement over the 100 years , not only the research of CEN Yu-ying 's military , politics thought but also on the treatise and the arrangement of materials .

  11. 最后,本文运用比较的方法,探讨岑毓英在勘界活动中的具体得失,以警示后人。

    Finally , this text used the method to compare , probed into Cen Yuying and his concrete gain and loss in this historical activity , analyse in detail , in order to warn the descendant .

  12. 同时,岑毓英重视英缅战情,稳定滇缅边界,为中法滇越勘界交涉提供稳定的环境。

    Meanwhile , Cen Yuying pays attention to The war situations of Britain and Burma especially , Stability the border of Burma and of Yunnan , offer the steady environment for the fact that the negotiations border affairs between Sino-French .