  • lane;memorial archway

  • workshop;mill
  • 里巷(多用于街巷的名称)。

  • 街市,市中店铺:~间。街~(邻居)。

  • 旧时标榜功德的建筑物:牌~。节义~。

  • 小手工业者的工作场所:作~。

  • 古同“防”,防范。


(里巷) lane (usu, as part of a street name):

  • 白纸坊

    White Paper Lane


(牌坊) memorial archway:

  • 贞节坊

    chastity arch


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 坊通

    Fang Tong


(小手工业者的工作场所) workshop; mill:

  • 磨坊


  • 油坊

    oil press;

  • 染坊

    dyer's workshop

  1. 文章对比了钻石模型、GEM模型与彭翊模型,在彭翊模型的基础上建立了7坊街文化创意产业集聚区竞争力评价模型,并对7坊街与北京市798艺术区进行了竞争力比较。

    Article compared the GEM diamond model , model and PengYi model , in PengYi model was established on the basis of seven lane street culture creativity industry gathering area competitiveness evaluation model , and 7 Fang Street and Beijing 798 art district , compared the competitiveness .

  2. 由于出版和坊刻的兴盛,明清以降,女性作品集相较于前代,数量激增。

    Due to the prosperity of publishing and lane , in Ming and qing dynasties , a collection of women writing had a large increase compared with the former generation .

  3. 他的工作坊既刺激又有趣。

    His workshops are exciting and fun .

  4. 这个工作坊关注各种各样的喜剧,并练习许多不同的、能让人发笑的方法。

    The workshop looks at every kind of comedy , and practices many different ways of making people laugh .

  5. 有一个配备特殊活动和工作坊以及学校假期时其他活动的新室内游戏中心。

    There 's a new indoor play centre , plus the special events and workshops , and others during school holiday periods .

  6. 如今,这里有画廊、工作室、餐厅,还新建了邻居们分享经验的工作坊,那里现在充满了新生活与能量。

    Today , there are galleries , studios , restaurants and newly built work spaces where neighbors share experiences , where there is renewed life and energy .

  7. 唐朝时期,人们就在昌南建造窑坊(kiln),烧制出一种青白瓷(bluishwhiteporcelain1)。

    In the Tang Dynasty , people started to build kilns2 to make bluish white porcelain in Changnan .

  8. 周末静修Weekendretreats周末的静修活动包括瑜伽、按摩、以及冥想工作坊。

    Weekend retreats include yoga , massage workshops .

  9. 最开始的时候,手办都是业余爱好者自己制作的,也是因为这些业余爱好者最早把车库作为工作坊制作手办,所以才有了garagekit这个说法。

    Originally garage kits were amateur-produced and the term originated with dedicated8 hobbyists using their garages as workshops .

  10. 过了坊远湾,岛上的莽莽丛林便几乎直长到水中。

    Past Botoi some of the densest jungle forests on Anopopei grew virtually into the water .

  11. GIS在福州三坊七巷保护性规划中的应用

    The Application of GIS in the Protective Planning of 3 Lanes and 7 Alleys

  12. 今年莱坊黄金地段国际住宅指数(PrimeInternationalResidentialIndex)平均价格涨幅最高的10个城市里面,有六个都位于亚太地区。

    Six of the 10 cities with the biggest average price gains in Knight Frank 's Prime International Residential Index were in the Asian-Pacific region this year .

  13. 这一带也有很多老旧工厂。这家名叫NewEmpireBrewery的酿酒坊将会在本月的Beertopia啤酒节上推出首批啤酒——两款淡色麦啤,一款烈性啤酒和一系列一次性的果啤。

    New Empire Brewery will unveil its first beers-two pale ales , a stout and a series of one-off fruit beers-at Beertopia this month .

  14. 房地产机构莱坊(KnightFrank)的最新年度财富报告称,2013年全世界共有超高值人士(ultra-highnetworthindividuals)167669人。

    The new annual Wealth Report from property agency Knight Frank says there were 167,669 ultra-high-net-worth individuals in the world in 2013 .

  15. 非互动式的写作工作坊教材版本亦可以PDF档方式阅览。

    The non-interactive version of the Writing Workshop Material may also be viewed as a PDF file .

  16. 本论文研究基于VRML交互式虚拟产品设计坊的设计和实现。

    The paper studys the designing and achieving of the interactive designing studio of virtual products based VRML .

  17. 物业顾问公司莱坊(knightfrank)预测,明年优质物业零售租金可能下跌5-15%。

    Knight Frank , the property consultancy , forecast that prime retail rents could slip 5-15 per cent next year .

  18. 这个数字无疑是在这个城市国家令人咂舌的百万富翁人数的支撑下取得的。据莱坊和CitiPrivateWealth预测,新加坡的百万富翁只会继续增多,而不会减少。

    This figure is no doubt bolstered by the staggering number of millionaires in the city-state , which Knight Frank and Citi Private Wealth predict will only keep growing .

  19. 综合楼(B单元)东侧的老工作坊得到了重建,以容纳艺术教室与小型剧院,独特的屋顶天窗系统令这里光照充足。

    The old workshops on the eastern side of the complex ( Unit B ) were remodelled in order to accommodate the arts room and a small theatre that will benefit from the unique roof lighting system .

  20. 上海新创意中心1933老场坊的开发者及管理者刘恩沛(PaulLiu)也认为,中国法律体系的某些环节如今运行得相当好。

    Paul Liu , who is developing and managing 1933 , a new Shanghai creative centre , agrees that parts of the legal system now work reasonably well .

  21. 麦戈文与特拉华州的角鲨头啤酒坊(DogfishHeadBrewery)合作,复原了这个古代配方,用它酿造了一种名为“贾湖城”(ChateauJiahu)的饮料。

    Mr. McGovern worked with Dogfish Head Brewery in Delaware to recreate that recipe in a beverage known as Chateau Jiahu .

  22. 莱坊全球研究主管利亚姆贝利(LiamBailey)表示,这一增长就发生在过去三年中。

    Liam Bailey , global research head at Knight Frank , said the growth had taken place over the past three years .

  23. 接着,纽约大鳄道格拉斯·艾丽曼房地产公司(DouglasEllimanRealEstate)和伦敦的经纪公司莱坊国际(KnightFrank)就其长期合作关系达成协议,创立了道格拉斯·艾丽曼美居/莱坊住宅(DouglasEllimanFineHomes/KnightFrankResidential)。

    then the New York stalwart Douglas Elliman Real Estate codified a longstanding relationship with the brokerage firm Knight Frank of London , creating Douglas Elliman Fine Homes / Knight Frank Residential .

  24. 据莱坊(knightfrank)一份专为《金融时报》编撰的研究报告称,如今外国买家占了伦敦高端公寓成交量的85%,而纽约这一比例约占50%。

    According to research compiled exclusively for the financial times by Knight Frank , foreign buyers in London now constitute 85 per cent of super-prime purchases compared with 50 per cent in New York .

  25. 根据断层走向、活动时代及活动性质的变化,可分为两段。董家坡武家曲坊段和武家曲坊太湖段,总长度约30km。

    This fault can be divided into two segments in the light of its strikes , active ages and natures .

  26. 莱坊住宅研究部门主管利亚姆贝利(LiamBailey)表示:这些数据描绘了一幅全球高端住宅价格的惨淡画面。

    The figures paint a gloomy picture for prime residential property prices round the world , said Liam Bailey , head of residential research at Knight Frank .

  27. 《财富》杂志的采访中,熊宝宝工作坊的CEO,SharonPriceJohn说她在自己是真实工作生涯中学到很多东西的,她建议:要对自己的工作负责,并且乐意在工作过程中重塑自己。

    In her interview with Fortune Magazine , Sharon Price John , CEO of Build-A-Bear Workshop , lends advice tha she learned first-hand in her own career , Take charge of your career and be willing to reinvent yourself throughout it .

  28. 房地产咨询机构莱坊(KnightFrank)说,伦敦很久以来就受到伺机买房者的追捧,而亚洲的楼市降温举措帮助推升了人们对伦敦市场的兴趣。

    Battersea Power Station Development Company Market-cooling measures in Asia have helped fuel interest in London 's real estate market -- long a popular destination for property buyers on the prowl , says property consultancy Knight Frank .

  29. 这样做的好处是,如果教员已做好准备集中时间完成教学任务&新MBA课程要求学员通过工作坊一周五天进行学习,教员进行长期研究所需的时间就有了保障。

    The trade-off has been that if faculty are prepared to fulfil their teaching requirements in intensive bursts - in the new MBA curriculum participants are required to study in five-day workshops - this frees up time for protracted periods of research .

  30. 克莱尔·泰克来自旧金山,是伦敦哈克尼紫罗兰烘焙坊的店主,只用有机食材,据说是英国厨师杰米·奥利弗(JamieOliver)最喜欢的蛋糕师。

    Chef Claire Ptak , originally from San Francisco and the owner of London based Violet Bakery in Hackney , only uses organic ingredients and is said to be Jamie Oliver 's ' favourite ' cake maker .