
  • 网络Ha Hoa
  1. 在试验组大约克夏和二花脸母猪妊娠85d至产后7d间,于基础日粮中分别添加大豆异黄酮8mg/kg和5mg/kg。

    In treatment group , soy isoflavone was fed at the dose of 8 mg / kg and 5 mg / kg during the time from 85 days of pregnancy to 7 days after farrowing .

  2. 浙东大棚草莓白粉病菌越夏和初侵染菌源的研究

    Studies on over-summering and primary infectious pathogen of strawberry powdery mildew in greenhouses in East Zhejiang

  3. 描述:木质藤本,晚春、夏和早秋时在新枝上开花。

    Description : Woody climbers flowering on young shoots in late spring and summer into early autumn .

  4. 这种现象说明七星瓢虫具有上山越夏和垂直迁飞行为。

    This phenomenon indicates that Coccinella septempunctata survives the summer in upper mountain area and can migrate vertically .

  5. 现在香水却当夏和他如影随形了。他的腰围也和身高同样惊人。

    Now it was perfume that clung to him like perfume , and he had a girth to match his height .

  6. 越夏和越冬过程中各龄若虫和成虫均有存在,但以3-5高龄若虫为主。

    All instars of nymphae and adult were found in the over-summer and over-winter population and the 3-5 instar nymphs were dominant .

  7. 东海带鱼春、夏和秋季产卵群体的生殖周期特性与种群问题

    The characteristics of reproduction cycle of the hairtail , Trichiurus haumela ( pisces , trichiuridae ) populations in spring-summer and autumn spawning in the East China Sea

  8. 蝶王破蛹而出的时间不同于其他的蝴蝶在温暖的夏季间,它们在深夏和初秋。

    Butterflies that emerge from chrysalides in late summer and early fall are different from those that do so during the longer days and warmer weather of summer .

  9. 京晶:七月、八月、九月多吃桃,西瓜和葡萄,马克:对于晚夏和初秋来说,那些都是很好的消暑食物呢。

    Have more peaches , watermelon and grapes in July , August and September . Mark : Those are good cool down foods for late summer and early autumn .

  10. 春、夏和秋季,林冠下平均辐射日总量分别占林冠上平均辐射日总量的53.1%、39.4%和55.8%。

    In spring , summer and fall , the mean total radiation of a day under canopy was reduced by 53.1 % , 39.8 % and 55.8 % , respectively .

  11. 本研究以柠檬酸和延胡索酸作为酸化剂,对饲粮酸度与仔猪增重关系进行了初步研究。355头29±1至59±1日龄的大约克夏和长白仔猪分4次进行饲养试验。

    The Relationship Between Diet Acidity and Weight Gain of Piglets he studies involved 355 Large York-Shire and Landrace piglets ( 29 - 59 d of age ) . The acidifiers were citric acid and fumaric acid .

  12. 在满足给定的冬、夏和春秋季典型日内的电热冷负荷的基础上,以全年总费用最低为目标函数,确定优化的自备电站的规模与组成形式。

    Taking the annual total cost as the objective function to be minimized , the optimal plant configuration is determined based on the precondition of fulfill of the typical energy demands of electric power , cold and heat in winter , summer and spring-autumn season .

  13. 暑假期间,一些学生可能忙于旅游、夏令营和各种课程。

    During the summer holiday , some students might have been busy with traveling , summer camps and all kinds of courses .

  14. 作者系统研究了黑纹粉蝶越夏蛹和越冬蛹体内过氧化氢酶(CAT)活力的变化。

    The changes of catalase ( CAT ) activity in estivating and hibernating pupae of striated white butterfly Pieris melete Menetries were systematically tested .

  15. Varsity等公司举办各种比赛、夏令营和培训班。

    Companies such as Varsity organise competitions , summer camps and coaching sessions .

  16. 相应时间系数功率谱分析表明大气热源主要存在3060天振荡,但1980年夏半年和19821983年ENSO事件期间(尤其是冬半年)这一振荡不显著。

    The spectral analysis of the EOF time coefficients reveals that the dominant period range is around 30-60 day except for the summer of 1980 and the 1982-1983 ENSO period .

  17. 2004年在怀夏素和芬恩的时候,她的名气已经是如日中天,当时她在拍摄《十二罗汉》(Ocean'sTwelve),编剧甚至为她修改了剧本,让她在剧中的人物假装成怀孕了的茱莉亚・罗伯茨。

    She had become so famous by the time she was expecting Hazel and Finn , her part in 2004 's Ocean 's Twelve was rewritten so that her character could pretend to be a pregnant Julia Roberts .

  18. 在移动式防雨棚条件下,采用盆栽土培法,以冬小麦、夏玉米和棉花为试验材料进行了RDI对作物光合特性及其产物积累与分配的影响研究。

    Under conditions of mobile rain-proof shelter and cultivated in pots with winter wheat , summer maize and cotton , effects of RDI on photosynthetic characteristics and accumulation and distribution of crop photosynthates were studied .

  19. 牦牛夏秋季和冬季各草场牧食行为的研究

    Study on Grazing Behaviour of Yaks in Summer , Autumn and Winter

  20. 大约克夏猪和长白猪肢蹄结实度的遗传分析

    Genetic analysis of foot and leg soundness in Landrace swine and large white

  21. 冬小麦花粉植株的适宜越夏苗龄和染色体加倍的研究

    Study on Suitable Summering Age and Chromosome Double of Winter Wheat Anther Plantlets

  22. 夏冠和京油1号植株矮小,产量低;

    Xiaguan and Jingyou No.1 had thin , small plants and low yield ;

  23. 吃完早餐后夏绿蒂和我去逛街。

    After breakfast , Charlotte and I went shopplng .

  24. 兼有夏安族和阿拉帕霍两种血统的电影制作人克里斯?爱领导了这次运动。

    Cheyenne-Arapaho filmmaker Chris Eyre is leading the movement .

  25. 北部边界由西到东,沿昆仑南缘至花石峡,然后转向北东,沿兴海夏河西和展布。

    And the line of southern Kunlun to Xinghai Xiahe Xihe on the north .

  26. 吉姆·夏得乐和他的驴子中午左右来到树木繁茂的印地安水泉。

    Jim Sutler and his donkey arrived at the wooded Indian well about noon .

  27. 我给你们读过保罗对《创世纪》里夏甲和萨拉故事,的解读。

    I read you Paul 's interpretation of the Hagar and Sarah story from Genesis .

  28. 在去减肥夏令营和吃四环素前。

    Before the fat camps and tetracycline .

  29. 有美国留学经历、夏令营和中学市场开发经验者优先。

    Experiences in studying u.s. , summer camp and high school market development are preferred .

  30. 夏飞和陈志强约会三年了。

    Xia Fei , left , and Chen Zhiqiang have been dating for three years .