
  • 网络tsinghua university library
  1. 清华大学图书馆多媒体资源Web查询系统的建设

    Establishment of Multimedia Resources Web Search System in Tsinghua University Library

  2. 为了得到这些衡量指标,必须对读者展开相应的调查。2004年3月开始,清华大学图书馆以美国研究型图书馆协会(ARL)开展的LibQUAL+TM项目为蓝本,在读者中开展广泛的服务质量调查活动。

    From March 2004 , Tsinghua University Library started a project based on LibQUAL + ~ TM of the Association of Research Libraries ( ARL ) .

  3. 密码为清华大学图书馆查询个人借阅记录的PIN码。

    The PIN is the password to access your library record .

  4. RSS技术是图书馆2.0的一项重要应用。本文侧重于介绍清华大学图书馆构建RSS服务过程中的实际经验,并探索了如何进一步深化RSS服务。

    RSS is one of the important applications of library 2 . 0 . This paper mainly introduces the experiences during the process of establishing the RSS Services in Tsinghua University library and explores how to deepen the RSS Service .

  5. 自从2000年4月ElsevierScience出版集团在清华大学图书馆和上海交通大学图书馆建立电子期刊镜像服务器以来,这种基于镜像服务器的电子期刊服务方式在用户中得到了普及。

    Since Elsevier Science Publishing Group established its mirror sites of electronic journals at Tsinghua University Library and Shanghai Jiaotong University Library in April of 2000 , the service paradigm of electronic journals based on mirror sites has been popularized by users .

  6. 本文介绍了清华大学图书馆关于权限元数据研究的工作,内容包括权限元数据发展综述,INDECS数据模型分析,主要权限元数据方案分析,权限元数据的互操作问题等。

    This paper presents some research work about rights metadata . First , we give a brief overview of its development . Then we expound the groundwork of INDECS data model and analyse several main rights metadata frameworks .

  7. 清华大学图书馆英文网站系统架构设计与实现

    Architecture Design and Implementation of English Website of Tsinghua University Library

  8. 清华大学图书馆业务统计工作模式的创新与实践

    Innovation and Practice of Statistical Model of the Tsinghua University Library

  9. 清华大学图书馆西文书目控制研究

    Study of Bibliographical Control of Western Language Books in TSU Library

  10. 清华大学图书馆新版英文网站的构建

    Construction of the New English Version Website of Tsinghua University Library

  11. 清华大学图书馆的电子化、网络化发展

    The Development of Electronization and Networking at Tsinghua University Library

  12. 清华大学图书馆设备管理系统分析、设计与实现

    Analysis , Design and Implementation of Equipment Management System in Tsinghua University library

  13. 清华大学图书馆馆际互借工作现状分析

    Analysis of the Present Situation of Interlibrary Loan Service of Tsinghua University Library

  14. 电子资源建设的思路与实践&清华大学图书馆案例研究

    The Thinking & Practice of Tsinghua University Library in the Construction of Electronic Resources

  15. 清华大学图书馆中国工程技术史料的整理研究

    The Arrangement and Research of Chinese Engineering Technology Historical Data by Tsinghua University Library

  16. 清华大学图书馆捐赠管理及服务系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Donation Management and Service System in Library of Tsinghua University

  17. 高职院校图书馆员工工作满意度研究图书馆的特殊馆员&试论清华大学图书馆勤工助学工作

    Study on the Job Satisfaction of College Librarians

  18. 清华大学图书馆流通通知短信发送服务的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Short Message Service for Circulation Notification in Library of Tsinghua University

  19. 清华大学图书馆基于开源软件A。

    Based on the open source software A.

  20. 建立基于镜像服务器的电子期刊服务模式&清华大学图书馆案例研究

    Establishing Mirror Site-based Electronic Journal Service Modes

  21. 内容管理系统在图书馆网站中的应用&清华大学图书馆英文网站实例分析

    Content Management System and Application in Library Website : Case Analysis of Tsinghua University Library

  22. 数字资源整合与信息门户建设&清华大学图书馆的探索与实践

    Integration of Digital Resources and Construction of Information Portal & Exploration and Practice of Tsinghua University Library

  23. 网络环境下大学图书馆学科馆员职责的扩展&清华大学图书馆案例研究

    The Extended Roles of Subject Librarians in Academic Libraries in the Network Environment & a Case Study of Tsinghua University Library

  24. 大学图书馆网站设计理念的探析与实践&清华大学图书馆网站改版案例研究

    Discussion and Practice on the Principles of University Library Website Design & A Case Study of the Tsinghua University Library Website Redesign

  25. 清华大学图书馆虚拟参考咨询案例分析与服务对策&表单咨询问题统计分析

    Case Analysis on the Virtual Reference Service in the Library of Tsinghua University and Its Strategies & Statistics of the Form-question of Users

  26. 网络环境下大学图书馆教参信息服务模式探索&清华大学图书馆教参信息系统的研究与开发

    Study on the Academic Library Reserves Service Model in the Network Environment - Research and Development of the Reserves System in Tsinghua University

  27. 结合清华大学图书馆的实际应用经验,给出了在终端维护过程中将遇到的安全问题和应对措施。

    Based on the terminal service maintenance experience obtained in Tsinghua University Library , secure problems and answer measures are stressed in this paper .

  28. 2009年年底是贾作胜人生中的一个转折点,那时他找到一份清华大学图书馆保安人员的工作。

    The turning point came at the end of2009 when Jia landed a job as a security guard at the library of Beijing-based Tsinghua University .

  29. 网络环境下图书馆服务质量评价方法探析&清华大学图书馆读者满意度调查工作的实践与思考

    Approach and Analysis of Service Quality Evaluation in Libraries under the Web Environment & Practice and Thoughts on the User Satisfaction Survey in Tsinghua University Library

  30. 本文对数字图书馆的技术和应用进行了探讨,结合清华大学图书馆的具体实践,对相关问题进行了介绍。

    The article discusses the technologies and applications of digital libraries and introduces related issues in the light of the concrete practice of the Tsinghua University Library .