
Yánɡ Hǔchénɡ
  • Yang Hucheng;military leader best known for role in the 1936 Xi'an incident
  1. 略论杨虎城将军对陕西农业的贡献

    On Contribution of General Yang Hu-cheng to Agriculture in Shaanxi Province

  2. 杨虎城开发陕西的经济思想与贡献

    Yang Hucheng 's ideas of developing Shaanxi economy and his contribution

  3. 试论杨虎城的知识分子政策&兼论西安事变爆发的原因

    On Intellectual Policy of Yang Hu-cheng and the Causes of Xi'an Incident

  4. 关于杨虎城与西安事变,乃是中国现代史研究中较为薄弱又极具学术价值和现实意义的一个课题。

    The topic of Yang Hu-cheng and the Xi'an Incident enjoys much academic value and historic significance in modern Chinese History .

  5. 原杨虎城十七路军对抗战的重大贡献

    The Important Contribution of the KMT 's Seventeenth Route Army Headed by Yang Hucheng to the War of Resistance Against Japan

  6. 以张学良为首的东北军和以杨虎城为首的十七路军被蒋调到陕甘一带进攻中国工农红军。

    The North East army led by Zhang Xueliang and the17th Route Army led by Yang Hucheng was deployed to Shaanxi-Gansu district to attack the Red Army .