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  • 网络Yang Yi;winters
  1. 后来我好象还报了名号,说我是某某,住在杨一。

    Later I seem to be applied , say I am so-and-so , live in YangYi .

  2. Tackontwotriples,这是新秀年前所未有的成就,虽然还不足以取代东契奇,但这一差距已经接近,有理由为杨做一个大胆的预测。

    Tack on two triples , and it would be unprecedented production from a first-year hooper.That still may not be enough to unseat Doncic , but the gap is close enough to justify a bold prediction on Young 's behalf .

  3. 杨:一点也没错,美国是个男性社会。

    Yang : You can say that again . American 's a man 's world too .

  4. 爱达•杨用一口流利的中文说道:我和朋友们聊天,然后意识到中非之间有很大的差异&语言、文化、气候皆不相同。

    I talked to my friends and realized that there are big differences between my country and China - language , culture and climate .

  5. 杨最后一分钟的进球才确保曼联能拿走1分。而埃弗拉认为这也给球队上了很好的一课。

    Young 's last-minute equaliser earned United an important point in the Champions League clash which Evra believes will prove to be an important learning curve for the team .

  6. 这只是近期的例子,去年,上海申磬产业有限公司与大阪大学的研发人员合作,在中国推出了阳杨--一个很像萨拉·佩林的机器人,看起来也比佳佳更智能,她可以拥抱和握手。

    And that 's just the most recent example . Last year researchers at the Intelligent Robotics Laboratory at Osaka University in Japan and Shanghai Shenqing Industry in China revealed Yangyang , a dynamic robot with an resemblance to Sarah Palin . Yangyang also seems to do more than Jia Jia with its abilities to hug and shake hands .

  7. 但是经过一系列检测后,杨女士发现一个异常讯号。

    But a series of tests showed Ms Yang something was abnormal .

  8. 小杨提出了一个克服困难的办法。

    Xiao Yang suggested a way out of the difficulty .

  9. 在贬谪文学史中杨慎是一个重要的存在。

    In the history of Relegated literature of Yang Shen is an important presence .

  10. 小杨提了一个建议。三班提了个合理化建议。

    Xiao Yang offered a suggestion . Class Three has put forward a reasonable proposal .

  11. 杨小姐是一位漂亮的女士。

    Miss Yang is a beautiful lady .

  12. 小杨提了一个建议。

    Xiao Yang offered a suggestion .

  13. 没有多久,事实就证明了:杨不但是一个处事果断的领袖,而且还是一个干练的行政官。

    Young speedily proved himself to be a skilful administrator as well as a resolute chief .

  14. 提利昂把掰开两片饼干夹着培根,给了在舵柄边的杨恩德里一份。

    Tyrion pulled apart two biscuits , filled them with bacon , and carried one to Yandry at the tiller .

  15. 这会导致进一步的研究,来整理出这些结果对于长期的健康意味着什么,杨伯翰大学一位心理学教授助理霍尔特说。

    It would take further study to sort out what the results mean for long-term health , said Holt-Lunstad , an assistant psychology professor at Brigham Young University .

  16. 托马斯·杨集中关注一组象形文字,他觉得这组文字能拼成一个单词,是某位国王或王后的名字。

    Thomas Yang focused his attention on one set of hieroglyphs that he thought would probably spell out a single word , the name of a King or Queen .

  17. 地产杨木是一种天然的生物质资源,充分利用杨木采伐和加工剩余物,提高资源综合利用率,为糠醛生产提供了丰富的原料来源,值得研究开发利用。

    In all , Poplar is a kind of natural biomass resource , to utilize natural resources more effectively and provide more material source of furfural preparation , it well worth studying of taking advantage of the surplus of poplar-wood preparing furfural .

  18. 小杨很可能成为一个优秀的战士。

    Xiao Yang promised to be a fine fighter .

  19. 杨顾算法是一种设计衍射光学元件的相位恢复方法。

    Yang-Gu algorithm is a kind of phase-retrieval arithmetic for design diffractive optical elements .

  20. 杨老师曾经是一个漂亮的、聪明的、优秀的英语老师。

    Miss Yang used to be a beautiful , smart and excellent english teacher .

  21. 有一天,杨布穿了一套白颜色的衣服上街去。

    One day , Yang Bu went to the market in a white suit .

  22. 杨&Baxter方程的一个推论

    A Deduction on Yang - Baxter Equation

  23. 轩杨英语角是一个供你我交流的新地方。

    Xuan Yang English corner is a new place for you and me to communicate .

  24. 他们同李先生、杨先生和另外一位中国人互相致意后入座。

    After exchanging greetings with Mr Li , Mr Yang and another Chinese , they take seats .

  25. 杨老师教我们一段音乐,名字叫做“卡门”。它主要讲述的是一个斗牛士的故事。

    Miss Yang teaches us a Spain music Named " Carmen ", which mainly talk about a bullfighter .

  26. 优点:特雷·杨早在大一赛季时的表现就足以让大学篮球迷们眼前一亮……

    Strengths : Trae Young early on in his freshman season is doing things that college basketball fans rarely see ...

  27. 托马斯说,他和杨女士正在制作一部公益性的系列影片让中国人了解艾滋病的危害。

    Lennon said that he and Yang are working on a series of public service announcements to bring HIV awareness to China .

  28. 菊花下市的时候,夏太太因为买了四盆花,而被女仆杨妈摔了一盆,就和杨妈吵闹起来。

    When the chrysanthemums came on the market , Mrs. Ma bought four pots and the maid , Yang Ma , broke one of them , for which she was roundly abused .

  29. 但是史蒂芬杨说,当一位工作者是以礼貌的问候被接见,隔壁的工作者则是不被当作一回事看来,立即就能明显得知谁较受重用。

    But , Young says , when one worker is greeted with a polite how-do-you-do while the guy next door gets a playful pretend-punch , it 's clear in an instant who is in the inner circle and who isn 't.

  30. 问题在于,如福斯特和杨指出的,一个无经验的基金经理可能伪装成真正有经验的高手,就像一只昆虫可以伪装成一片树叶,一种无害的生物可能伪装成有毒生物。

    The problem is , as foster and young show , that it is possible for an unskilled fund manager to mimic a genuinely skilled one , in the same way that an insect might mimic a leaf , or a harmless creature mimic a poisonous one .