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  1. 但吴为保存实力,坐视张之垮台而不加援手。

    But Wu did nothing in order to save his own strength .

  2. 塑造人文&论吴为山的雕塑艺术

    Shaping Humanities - Discussion on Wu Weishan 's Sculpture Arts

  3. 由此,吴为的人生跋涉与情感履历值得我们深思。

    Therefore , Wu Wer 's life and love journey is worth our speculating .

  4. 爱在追寻中迷失&对《无字》中吴为悲剧的深层分析

    LOVE LOST IN PURSUING & analyzing deeply the Wu Wei 's tragedy in no words

  5. 文心铸魂&吴为山雕塑艺术展于中国美术馆开幕

    The Soul Casted by Culture & Exhibition of Wu Weishan sculpture arts has inaugurated in China art museum

  6. 三国时期,以三吴为中心的扬州地区表现出对中原的强大离心倾向。

    During the three kingdoms in the Chinese ancient , the Yangzhou area as a centre of the Wu dynasty appeared a strong centrifugal tendency to the Central Plains .

  7. 吴为虽然接受过现代的教育,有比较独立的女性意识,在现实生活中也能反抗,并且自由去追求爱情,然而,她的爱情依然是无望的。

    Although Wu had received a modern education , a more independent female consciousness , in real life can be resisted , and freedom to pursue love , but her love is still hopeless .