
  1. 吴趼人写情小说的艺术是卓立不凡的。

    Wu Jianren 's romantic novels has acquired great achievement on art .

  2. 《新石头记》是吴趼人的重要作品。

    New story of the stone is an important work of WU Ji an-ren .

  3. 道德是吴趼人写情小说关注的主要焦点。

    Morals are the main focuses that Wu Jianren 's romantic novels pay close attention to .

  4. 吴趼人短篇小说创作的文学史意义

    On the significance of Wu Jianren ′ s short stories in the sense of literary history

  5. 以拯救道德而达于救世救国,是中国传统文人奇特的政治假想,包括吴趼人在内的晚清众多新小说作家未能摆脱这一道德救世情结。试论清季民初梁启超的道德救国思想

    On Liang Qi-chao 's Moral Salvation of between the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Republic of China

  6. 继之对吴趼人小说文本体现出的由传统走向现代的新的叙事特征与文体意识作系统的纵向与横向考察。

    Thirdly , it makes synchronic and diachronic studies of his narrative techniques and stylistic awareness manifested in his fictional texts .

  7. 本文首先梳理了吴趼人的文化观及其写情小说理论和作品的相关情况。

    The thesis combs Wu Jianren 's cultural view , the theory of his romantic novels and the relevant situations of these works .

  8. 吴趼人系列写情小说的这些特点在与才子佳人小说文本的叙事模式比较中显得更为清晰。

    Compared with the narrative model of the genius arid beauty novels , The above points of Wu Jianren 's love novels can been draw clear .

  9. 吴趼人主张整合中西文化,向传统文化回归,用道德改良社会和人心,创建物质文明和精神文明高度发展的理想境界。

    Wu Jian-ren advocated to conform the Chinese and Western culture 、 regress to traditional culture 、 improve society and human mind with morality and establish an ideal state of the highly development of the material and spiritual civilization .