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  1. 吴淇借此书来宣扬其诗学思想。

    Wu Qi to book and promote their Poetry .

  2. 吴淇尊崇汉道,从体裁、精神、价值三方面对汉道作了界定。

    Han Tao Wu Qi respected , from the genre , the spirit of the face value of three Chinese Tao described .

  3. 更有特色的要数吴淇的评点术语,吴淇不仅从经典之中寻求经验,还向同时代的评点人借鉴。

    More features to the number of terms Commentary Wu Qi , Wu Qi is not only being sought from the classical experience , people also learn to Comment contemporaries .

  4. 吴淇勾勒诗史时主要是对三际说的论述,吴淇详细地梳理了中国诗歌的源流,对三际的界定更合理、更透彻。

    Wu Qi outlined Epic mainly in that the three international expositions , Wu Qi comb detail the origins of Chinese poetry , the international definition of the three is more reasonable and more thorough .