
  1. 他已考上考上这所大学。

    He had been matriculated in the university .

  2. 我们上星期考的学生都好极了。

    The students we examined last week were excellent .

  3. 在一组数学测试中,美国学生在所有的年级层次上都考得最差。

    On a battery of math tests , the Americans did worst at all grade levels .

  4. 解出简单代数问题的速度可以准确预测微积分的学期成绩,预测低效果相当于整学期的作业、小考、期中考加上期末考。

    The speed with which they solved a simple algebra problem was as good a predictor of the final grade in Calculus as a whole semester of homework , tests , midterms , and a final .

  5. 我没有考不及格,事实上,我考得不错!

    I didn 't fail the exam ; in fact I did rather well !

  6. 他妈的卷子上怎么没考这些?

    Where the hell 's that on the test ?

  7. 我上大学,考高分。

    I was getting a 4.0 in college .

  8. 我上个星期考了一次试。

    I had an exam last week .

  9. 我准确的预测了班上一些同学考上大学,而有些没有考上。

    I predicated accurately some would be admitted to the university and some not among my classmates .

  10. 建立了对不同产地紫花苜蓿地上部分进行考迈斯托醇含量测定方法,为其质量标准的建立提供科学依据。

    A HPLC method was established to determinate the content of coumestrol , providing the basis of the quality standards of the aerial parts of Alfalfa . 4 .

  11. 所以,一个查询常式在相配要素上增加叁考计数,而且让访客释放它通常是必需的。

    Because of that , it is common for a lookup routine to increase the reference count on the matching element , and let the caller release it when necessary .

  12. 我们也会做让我们想要逃离的噩梦——被野生动物追逐,从悬崖上坠落或者考一场我们完全不会解答的测试。

    And we 'd like to both learn from and escape our nightmare - being chased by wild animals , falling off a cliff or sitting down to an exam we never studied for .

  13. 如果你在接下来几周要参加美国大学入学考试或者学术能力评估测试,你可能要接受额外的皮质醇检查,不论我们是在谈论大型标准考试还是平时课堂上的应考。

    Some of you might get an extra cortisol kick over the next couple of weeks if you 're registered to take the ACT or the SATs , whether we are talking about major standardized tasks or exams in your regular classes .

  14. 上赛季,考辛斯对阵休斯顿的表现都非常好,包括受伤的那场比赛,两场比赛他场均19.5分,13.5个篮板和9次助攻,勇士的五小无人能及,本赛季更是如虎添翼。

    Last season , Cousins played well against Houston , including the game during which he tore his Achilles ; in two matchups , he averaged 19.5 points , 13.5 rebounds , and 9.5 assists . The Warriors can go small better than anyone , but it might be just as advantageous this season to have a big-man counterattack .

  15. 你班上有多少男生考上了国立大学?

    How many boys in your class got into national universities ?

  16. 你上个周末英文考得怎么样?

    How did you do on your English exam last weekend ?

  17. 课上完了,试考完了。

    The lectures are over , the classes are done .

  18. 为什么?我们上星期一才考过呀!

    What for ? We had one last Monday !

  19. 丽丽,你上星期五考试考得怎么样?

    How about your exam last friday , Lily ?

  20. 我上星期的考试考砸了。

    I blew last week 's test .

  21. 在此基础上意识到以考促教才是保证教育系统正常运转的前提。

    Recognizing that education is the prerequisite to test and promote educational activities to ensure normal operations .

  22. 在许多考试的经验,我仍然记得发生在上个学期期末考。

    Among many exam experiences , I still remember what happened in the final exam last term .

  23. 而且就是投入了这些也不一定能上大学,就是考上了大学,艺术类专业的学费也比普通的专业高很多。

    And those who investigate may not be able to go to college . The average fee of the arts students is much higher .

  24. 它补充表示:兖州煤业已经是经过验证的澳大利亚企业公民,在矿业和相关基础设施的开发上有绩可考。

    Yanzhou Coal is already a proven corporate citizen in Australia with a track record in the development of mining and related infrastructure , it added .

  25. 我知道,考上高中,才说得上考大学。

    I knew that one need test into high school before even talking about testing into university .