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  1. 方法对1994~2001年在天津市口腔医院修复科行金瓷全冠、核桩金瓷全冠、金瓷固定桥修复的70例患者的80件修复体的失败原因进行分析。

    Methods The retrospective analysis was carried on the 80 prosthesis in 70 patients from 1994 to 2001 which were suffered with unsuccessful results after the restoration of the metal crowns and bridges .

  2. 渣打银行首席执行官冼博德(petersands)为配股发行进行了辩护,尽管他一再坚称该行资本金充足。

    Peter sands , StanChart chief executive , defended the move despite his repeated insistence the bank was well-capitalised .

  3. 行,金,金怪,金爱,还有年纪小点的金袋鼠与金队长。

    Fine . Kim , Kooky , Kool-aid , and the little ones , Kaptain and kangaroo .

  4. 市场对此举期待已久。在巴克莱努力改善资产负债表,以帮助其应对全球经济下滑带来的进一步亏损之际,出售快速增长的iShares基金管理业务,将增强该行的资本金储备。

    The long-awaited sale of the fast-growing fund management business will boost Barclays ' capital reserves as the bank seeks to strengthen its balance sheet to help it weather further losses that arise from the global economic downturn .

  5. 五行残缺,金土木共生,唯缺水火。

    Five elements and incomplete , gold civil symbiosis , only water and fire .

  6. 论五行中的金

    On Jin of the Five Elements

  7. 他补充道,信贷危机结束后,如果该行的资本金仍然看起来非常充裕,该行会恢复其定期回购股票的做法。

    He added that if the bank still seemed overcapitalised once the credit crisis was over , it would regain its habit of regular share buy-backs .

  8. 这五行是指金、木、水、火、土。它们之间的相生、相克、相乘、相侮是宇宙间一切事物运动和变化的基本规律。

    The relations between waxing are interpolation , interaction , over action and counter-action , which are believed to be the common law of the motions and changes of the creatures in the universe .

  9. 在中国六大上市银行中,工行的资本金水平已经是最高的。连工行都在筹集更多资金,难怪监管机构目前无心让任何资本金流向海外。

    That ICBC , already with the highest capital levels of China 's six largest listed lenders , is raising more , suggests the regulator is in no mood to see any of it leak outside .

  10. 2007年是猪年,恰巧又逢五行中的“金”,所以就构成了“金猪年”。

    In2007 , the Year of the Pig coincides with the element of gold .

  11. 所谓五行指的是金、木、水、火、土。

    The five basic materials or elements are gold , wood , water , fire , and earth .

  12. 定行作以非金足全部或部分股款的股份及的目及款。

    Numbers and amount of shares and debentures agreed to be issued as fully or partly paid up otherwise than in cash .